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1 | GRE Laevinus captures Anticyra.
@ +Liv_26.26'1-4; { CAH_8'102.} |
1a | The Aetolians capture Aegina and sell it to Attalus for thirty talents.
@ OGIS_281; Polyb_22.8'10; { Errington_p179.} |
1b | EGY {Tybi -E = February} Document: AET_7.34.B, a demotic contract for the sale of land by a Greek man. |
1c | GRE {int. Anthesterion -G = Feb./Mar.} Document: IG_2³.1137.2 (Syll_536), an Athenian decree confirming honours previously awarded to Eumaridas of Cydonia. |
2 | ROM {March -R} Marcellus starts the year as sole consul, because his colleague Laevinus is delayed by sickness.
@ +Liv_26.26'5-9. |
3 | {? 18 March -R} A fire at Rome, allegedly started by disaffected Capuans.
* Read Livy's account @ #Liv_26.26'10-27'9,* '13; Ovid:Fast_6'625-626. |
4 | The Sicilians and Capuans complain to the senate about their treatment by the Roman generals.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_26.27'10-34'13,* 38.43'8; ValMax_4.1'7; Plut:Marc_23'1-11; DioCass_fr.57'46a; Suda_Ph'516; ~Zonar_9'6,(p183) '7;(p193) { CAH_8'62.} |
5 | ROM Document: CIL_1.608 & 1.609, two dedications of booty brought back by Marcellus from Sicily. |
6 | The senators contribute towards the cost of manning the fleet.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_9.21'1; +Liv_26.35'1-37'9,* 29.16'1, 31.13'2, 34.6'14; Flor_1.22'25; +Oros_4.17'14; { CAH_8'74.} |
7 | SPA Hasdrubal secretly escapes with his army after being trapped by C.Nero.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_9.11'1-4; +Liv_26.17'1-18'1,* 27.44'9; Frontin:Str_1.11'19; Appian:Hisp_17; +Zonar_9'7.(p189) |
8 | ITA << Civil dissension at Tisia in Bruttium.
@ ~Appian:Hann_44' |
9 | Marcellus captures Salapia, after Blattius persuades Dasius to betray the town.
* Read Appian's account @ +Liv_26.38'1-14, 27.1'1; ValMax_3.8e'1; ~Appian:Hann_45-47;* +Zonar_9'7;(p195) { CAH_8'54.} |
10 | A Roman fleet, commanded by D.Quinctius, is defeated by the Tarentines near Sapriportis.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_26.39'1-23;* Frontin:Str_3.17'3; { CAH_8'54.} |
11 | ROM P.Scipio is elected to be commander of the Roman army in Spain, although he is only 24 years old.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_26.18'2-19'9,* 28.28'14, 43'11-14, 29.20'2; ValMax_3.7'1; Sen:Dial_10.17'6; Silius_15'1-151, 16'645-656; Appian:Hisp_17-18; DioCass_fr.57'38-40; [Vict]:VirIll_49'7; ~Eutrop_3.15'1; +Oros_4.17'13; +Zonar_9'7;(p189) { CAH_8'59, '63; DPRR.} |
12 | SIC Laevinus captures Agrigentum.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_9.27'1-11; +Liv_26.40'1-18;* Ascon_13;L (↓) ~Eutrop_3.14'4; Oros_4.18'2; +Zonar_9'7;(p195) { CAH_8'62; OCD³.} |
13 | MAC << Philippus makes a dedication to the temple of Athena at Lindus, after defeating the Dardani and Maedi.
@ Burstein_46.C'42;B { This was probably after the campaign described in Liv_26.25'3-8.} |
14 | PEL The Spartans become allies of the Aetolians, after listening to speeches by Claenias of Aetolia and Lyciscus of Acarnania.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_9.28'1-42'8,* 11.5'8, 22.8'9-10; Liv_34.31'5, 32'1; { See Lazenby, p.162.} |
15 | MES (?) Antiochus crosses the Euphrates.
@ ~Polyb_9.43'1-6. |
16 | EGY {10 Epeiph -E = August} Document: SelPap_2.334, the notification of a robbery from the vineyard of Pitholaus. |
17 | ITA Hannibal defeats and kills the proconsul Cn.Fulvius near Herdonea.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.1'1-2'1,* 7'12, 8'13; Frontin:Str_2.5'21; Plut:Marc_24'1-4; ~Appian:Hann_48; Polyaen_6.38'7; ~Eutrop_3.14'5; ~Oros_4.18'3; { CAH_8'54, '77.} |
18 | An indecisive battle between Hannibal and Marcellus near Numistro.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.2'1-12;* Frontin:Str_2.2'6; Plut:Marc_24'4-9; { CAH_8'54.} |
19 | Q.Fulvius continues to suppress resistance at Capua.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.3'1-9;* ~Appian:Hann_49; ~Zonar_9'6.(p185) |
20 | SPA Scipio arrives in Spain, at Emporiae.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_26.19'10-20'6,* 28.16'14, 39'7-9, 42'3-5; Silius_15'152-179; Flor_1.33'7; Appian:Hisp_19, :Pun_6; DioCass_fr.57'40; ~Oros_4.18'1; ~Zonar_9'8;(p197) { CAH_8'59.} |
21 | EGY {30 Mesore -E = 9 October} Birth of Ptolemy Epiphanes.
* Read Polybius' account @ #BD_137; Polyb_22.17'7;* Porph:Fr_45; { OCD³; Bennett.} |
22 | The Romans send an embassy to Syphax in Numidia, and to Ptolemy in Egypt.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_9.11a'1-4;* +Liv_27.4'5-10; { CAH_8'62.} |
23 | ROM Marcellus appoints Q.Fulvius dictator, to hold the consular elections.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.4'1-6'14;* +FastCap_p62; Ascon_13;L (↓) Plut:Marc_24'10-25'2; { DPRR.} |
24 | L.Veturius Philo and P.Licinius Crassus are elected censors, but Veturius dies soon after taking office.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.6'15-19,* 34'5-6; +FastCap_p62; { CAH_8'72..} |
25 | Carthalo comes to Rome to discuss an exchange of prisoners, but he is refused permission to enter the city.
* Read Zonaras' account @ DioCass_fr.57'36; ~Zonar_9'6;* (p187) { This is a doublet of an event of 216 B.C.; Dio Cassius is undoubtedly mistaken in placing it in this year.} |
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| 15.10.24
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