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1 | ROM {March -R} The new consuls enter office, and are given command of the war in Italy.
@ +Liv_30.1'1-2'13. |
2 | AFR Scipio makes a successful night attack on the camp of Syphax.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_14.1'1-6'5;* +Liv_30.3'1-7'2; Frontin:Str_1.1'3, 2'1, 2.5'29; Silius_17'85-108, '177-178; Plut:Fab_26'3; ~Appian:Pun_17-24; DioCass_fr.57'72, '77; Eutrop_3.20'2; ~Oros_4.18'18-19; +Zonar_9'12;(p249) { CAH_8'63; OCD³.} |
3 | The Carthaginians resolve to continue the war in conjunction with Syphax.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_14.6'6-7'8;* +Liv_30.7'3-13; ~Appian:Pun_24; { CAH_8'63.} |
4 | Scipio defeats the Carthaginians at the battle of the Great Plains.
* Read Polybius' account @ Ennius:Fr_p398'14; ~Polyb_14.7'9-9'5;* +Liv_30.8'1-9'4, 28'11, 30'14; Silius_17'109-148; Flor_1.22'56; ~Oros_4.18'20; { CAH_8'63; OCD³.} |
5 | The Carthaginians attack the Roman fleet at Utica, while Scipio is occupying Tunis.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_14.9'6-10'12;* +Liv_30.9'5-10'21; (?) Frontin:Str_4.7'12; Plut:Fab_26'3; ~Appian:Pun_24-25, 30; +Zonar_9'12;(p251) { CAH_8'63, '66; OCD³.} |
5a | MES {17 Artemisius -M} Document: SEG_35.1476, a letter from Icadion concerning the island of Icarus in the Persian Gulf. |
5b | ASI {15 Daesius -M} Document: RC_38, a letter of (?) Zeuxis to Amyzon. |
6 | NUM ?? Syphax returns territory which had been captured by Masinissa to Carthage.
@ Liv_40.17'1-4. |
7 | {22 June -R} Laelius and Masinissa defeat and capture Syphax.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_15.4'4; Sall:Jug_5'4, 14'8; Diod_27.10'1; +Liv_30.11'1-12'22,* 44'12; #Ovid:Fast_6'769-770; ValMax_6.9e'7; Silius_16'272; Just_38.6'5; Eutrop_3.20'2; ~Oros_4.18'21; +Zonar_9'13;(p253) { CAH_8'63; OCD³.} |
8 | AFR Masinissa persuades Sophonisba to commit suicide.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_27.6'1-8'1; +Liv_30.13'1-15'14,* 45.7'2, 14'2; ~Appian:Pun_27-28; DioCass_fr.57'73; ~Oros_4.18'21; +Zonar_9'13.(p253) |
9 | GRE ?? Document: Syll_538, decrees of Delphi in honour of Philistus of Cos and Philippus of Calymna. |
10 | EGY << The floruit of Aristophanes of Byzantium.
@ Suda_A'3933. |
11 | ASI << Document: Austin_191,B a decree of Teos in honour of Antiochus III. { CAH_8'250; Errington_195.} |
12 | Document: Syll_563-566, decrees of Delphi and the Aetolian League, recognising Teos as inviolable. |
12a | ?? Document: OGIS_235, a dedication by Zeuxis at Amyzon. |
13 | AFR Hasdrubal tries to win over some of Scipio's allies.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Pun_29-30;* +Zonar_9'12.(p251) |
14 | Scipio agrees to a short truce with the Carthaginians.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_15.1'6-8, 8'7; +Liv_30.16'1-15;* Plut:Fab_26'2-4; ~Appian:Pun_31; DioCass_fr.57'74; +Eutrop_3.21'1-2; Zonar_9'12,(p247) +'13;(p257) { CAH_8'63.} |
15 | ROM Laelius arrives at Rome with Syphax, and envoys from Masinissa.
@ +Liv_30.17'1-14. |
16 | CIS ?? Mago defeats and captures Cn.Piso.
@ Frontin:Str_3.6'5. |
17 | The praetor Quinctilius Varus defeats Mago, who later dies of his wounds at sea near Sardinia.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_30.18'1-19'11,* 31.11'5; DioCass_fr.58'5; Zonar_9'12,(p247) +'13,(p259) '15;(p283) { CAH_8'56; OCD³.} |
18 | ITA ?? Valerius treacherously murders the son of Lucius, his father-in-law.
@ Plut:Mor_311'D-E; { This story is unlikely to have any historical basis.} |
19 | ?? Hannibal falls in love with a prostitute from Salapia.
@ Plin:HN_3'103. |
20 | ?? Hannibal is warned in a dream not to steal a column from the temple of Juno at Lacinium.
@ Cic:Div_1'48. |
21 | ++ The devastation caused by Hannibal's long stay in Italy.
* Read Polybius' account @ Macrob:Sat_6.7'10<q"L Cato>; Polyb_10.33'1-7;* Sall:Jug_5'4; Diod_29.19'1; Strab_5'251,(4.13) 6'255;(1.5) Vell_1.15'1; ValMax_9.2e'2; Sen:Dial_4.5'4; Frontin:Str_3.2'3; Plut:Mor_324'B; Appian:Pun_134, :Syr_10; Gell_2.6'7; Malal_209. |
22 | Hannibal is ordered by the Carthaginians to leave Italy, and sails back to Africa; Pelorus, Hannibal's helmsman, dies during the journey.
* Read Livy's account @ [Cic]:RhetHer_3'2; Sall:Hist_4'25;L Diod_27.9'1-10'1; +Liv_30.19'12-21'10;* Strab_1.10;(1.17) ValMax_9.8e'1; !Mela_2'116; Frontin:Str_1.3'8; Silius_17'149-290; Plut:Ages_15'6, :Fab_26'5; Appian:Hann_1, 58-61, ~:Pun_33; Eutrop_3.20'3; ~Oros_4.19'1; +Zonar_9'13;(p259) { CAH_8'56, '63; OCD³.} |
23 | ROM Carthaginian envoys appear before the Roman senate to discuss peace terms.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_15.1'3, 8'8-9; +Liv_30.21'11-23'8,* 30'27-28; (?) ValMax_7.2'3; ~Appian:Pun_31-32; DioCass_fr.57'74; +Eutrop_3.21'2-3; +Zonar_9'13;(p259) { CAH_8'72.} |
24 | P.Sulpicius is appointed dictator, to stop Caepio crossing to Africa.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_30.24'1-4,* 45.36'9; +FastCap_p62; { CAH_8'73.} |
25 | << Fabius is awarded a crown of grass for saving Rome from Hannibal.
* Read Gellius' account @ Plin:HN_22'10;L Gell_5.6'10;* { This is explicitly stated by Plinius to be after Hannibal left Italy.} |
26 | ?? The generous treatment by Fabius of a Marsian and a Lucanian who were both suspected of treason.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Fab_20'1-6,* :Mor_195'E-F; [Vict]:VirIll_42'5. |
27 | ++ General comments on the character of Fabius, and his role in the defeat of Hannibal.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Rep_5'10, :Sen_11-12;* CIL_11.1828; ValMax_3.8'2; Sen:Dial_4.31'4, :Ben_2.7'1; Plut:Marc_9'7, :Fab_1'3-5, 19'1-5, 28'1-4, 30'1-3, :Mor_195'D. |
28 | The death of Fabius Maximus Cunctator, who had been augur for 62 years.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_30.26'7-10;* ValMax_5.2'3, 8.13'3; Plin:HN_7'156; Plut:Fab_27'1-2; { OCD³.} |
29 | Delegations from Greek states complain to the Roman senate that Philippus has broken the terms of the peace treaty.
@ +Liv_30.26'2-4; { CAH_8'245.} |
30 | == The "picus Martius", a bird of good omen, is seen to land on the head of the praetor P.Aelius Paetus.
@ FGrH_809'32<q" FabPict>; { Since the Paetus in the story was praetor urbanus, he is probably identical with the Paetus who was praetor for this year (Liv_30.1'9).} |
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