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1 | GRE The assembly of the Aetolian League decides to remain neutral in the forthcoming war against Philippus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_16.35'1-2;* +Liv_31.27'1-32'5; +Zonar_9'15;(p279) { CAH_8'262-263; Green_309.} |
2 | GRE << Document: THI_95, a decree of Delphi in honour of Satyrus. |
3 | PEL << The death of Pelops, king of Sparta.
@ Diod_27.1'1. |
4 | << The birth of the historian Polybius.
@ Lucian:Macr_22; { OCD³.} |
5 | ASI << Document: Syll_577, a decree of Miletus concerning the foundation of a school by Eudemus. |
5a | << Document: THI_123, a decree about games instituted in Cnidus after an epiphany of the goddess Artemis. |
6 | EGY << Joseph the Jewish tax-collector marries his niece at Alexandria.
@ Joseph:AJ_12'186-190; { Josephus' son Hyrcanus was about 13 years old at the time of the birth of Ptolemy Philometor (? 186 B.C).} |
7 | PHO << Antiochus forces Scopas to surrender after besieging him at Sidon.
* Read Daniel's account @ Daniel_11'15;* Porph:Fr_46. |
8 | ARM ?? Armenia is governed by Artaxias and Zariadris, two generals of Antiochus, after the death of its king Orontes.
@ Strab_11'531;(14.15) { This happened some years before the battle of Magnesia; Artaxias lived on until at least 160 B.C.} |
9 | ASI ?? Praylus the pupil of Timon is accused of treason.
@ DiogLaert_9'115; { Timon lived until about 230 B.C.} |
10 | EGY ++ General comments on the career of the historian Ister of Cyrene.
@ Suda_I'706; { OCD³.} |
11 | MAC Skirmishes between Philippus and the Roman army near Athacus.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_28.8'1; ~Liv_31.33'1-38'10,* 40'10, 32.21'19, 28'5; Plut:Flam_3'1; Flor_1.23'9; Ampel_16'3; DioCass_fr.58'1-3; ~Zonar_9'15.(p279) |
12 | AEG The Roman fleet, aided by Attalus, captures Oreus.
* Read Livy's account @ Apollod:Fr_78; ~Liv_31.44'1-47'3;* DioCass_fr.58'4; ~Zonar_9'15;(p283) { CAH_8'263.} |
13 | CIS The Insubres defeat a Roman army under Cn.Baebius.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_32.7'5-8;* +Zonar_9'15;(p287) { CAH_8'111.} |
14 | MAC The Romans invade Eordaea.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_18.23'3; ~Liv_31.39'1-40'6,* 32.21'19, 33.8'5. |
15 | The Aetolians invade Thessaly.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_31.40'7-43'7;* Paus_1.36'5, 6.16'2; { CAH_8'263; Green_705.} |
15a | EGY {28 Pauni -E = August} Document: OGIS_758, graffiti written during the siege of Abydos in Egypt. { Hölbl_p155.} |
16 | MAC Villius arrives in Macedonia to take over command of the Roman army.
@ +Liv_32.3'1-4'7; { CAH_8'263.} |
16a | EGY {22 Thoth -E = November} Document: SelPap_2.270A, a petition from a female wine-seller. |
17 | ROM T.Flamininus is elected consul for the following year, though he had not held the office of aedile or praetor.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_32.7'8-13;* Plut:Flam_2'1-2, :Mor_197'A; { CAH_8'175-176.} |
18 | == The censors Scipio and Paetus review the senate without any disputes.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_32.7'1-3,* 34.44'4, 35.10'6, 38.28'2, 50'10, 53'10, 58'8; +FastCap_p64; { CAH_8'182-183; DPRR.} |
19 | == The Lex Porcia gives a right of appeal against judgements.
@ Cic:Rep_2'54; { DPRR.} |
20 | == L.Manlius is prevented from celebrating an ovation by the tribune P.Porcius.
@ +Liv_32.7'4. |
21 | {15 March -R} The consuls enter office, and receive an embassy from Attalus.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_32.8'1-16;* +Plut:Flam_2'3-5; Oros_4.20'1; { CAH_8'270.} |
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| 16.10.24
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