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1 | AFR Hannibal is forced to leave Carthage.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Sest_142; Diod_28.10'1; Nepos_23.7'6-7; +Liv_33.47'7-49'8;* ValMax_4.1'6, 5.3e'1; Silius_13'878-885; Appian:Syr_4; Just_31.1'7-2'8; Eutrop_4.3'2; +Oros_4.20'13; ~Zonar_9'18;(p305) { CAH_8'143; Green_418.} |
2 | ROM The Lex Oppia, a sumptuary law, is repealed despite the opposition of Cato.
* Read Livy's account @ Ennius:Ann_352-355; Cato:Orig_7'9-11;L (113-5) +Liv_34.1'1-8'7;* ValMax_9.1'3; [Vict]:VirIll_47'6; +Oros_4.20'14; +Zonar_9'17;(p295) { CAH_8'184; OCD³.} |
2a | EGY {Mecheir -E = Mar./Apr.} Document: AET_9.4'A, a 'self-dedication' document at Tebtunis. |
3 | PEL A conference of Roman allies at Corinth decides on war against Nabis.
@ +Liv_34.22'4-24'7; { CAH_8'276.} |
4 | SPA Cato arrives at Emporiae.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_34.9'1-13'3;* Plin:HN_14'91;L Frontin:Str_4.7'31; Appian:Hisp_39-40; Suda_K'1113; Zonar_9'17.(p297) |
5 | Cato defeats the Spanish rebels near Emporiae.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_34.13'4-16'7,* 35.9'6; Appian:Hisp_40; +Zonar_9'17;(p297) { CAH_8'123.} |
6 | SYR Syria and Egypt agree peace terms; the end of the Fifth Syrian War.
* Read Josephus' account @ Polyb_28.20'9; Diod_28.12'1; Joseph:AJ_12'154-155;* Appian:Syr_4-5; !Hieron:Chron_1827; ~Zonar_9'18;(p303) { Green_305, 417.} |
7 | PEL Flamininus advances to Argos.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_34.25'1-26'8;* ~Zonar_9'18.(p301) |
8 | CIS Flaccus defeats the Boii near the Litana Forest.
@ +Liv_34.22'1-3. |
9 | SPA Cato orders the walls of all the Spanish cities to be demolished.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_34.17'1-18'5;* Frontin:Str_1.1'1; Plut:CatMai_10'3, :Mor_199'C; Appian:Hisp_41; Polyaen_8.17'1; [Vict]:VirIll_47'2-3; +Zonar_9'17;(p297) { CAH_8'123.} |
10 | PEL Flamininus invades Laconia.
* Read Livy's account @ Syll_595<t= BD_36>; +Liv_34.26'9-37'5;* Zonar_9'18.(p301) |
11 | Nabis is forced to come to terms with the Romans.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_21.11'10; +Liv_34.37'6-40'4,* 38.31'2; Plut:Flam_13'1-3; Just_31.3'1; [Vict]:VirIll_51'3; Eutrop_4.2'2; Oros_4.20'2; Zonar_9'18;(p301-3) { CAH_8'276-277; OCD³.} |
12 | PEL Argos is freed from Spartan control.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_34.40'5-41'7;* Plut:Flam_12'5-12; { Errington_p212.} |
13 | Document: Syll_594, a decree of Mycenae in honour of Protimus of Gortyn, after the return of hostages seized by Nabis. |
14 | ROM Scipio Africanus is elected consul for the second time.
* Read Livy's account @ +Cic:Sen_19; +Liv_34.42'1-4;* { CAH_8'277.} |
14a | SYR {Panemos -M = ? June} Document: THI_30, a sale of property at Dura-Europos. |
15 | ASI ?? Document: Austin_198,B a letter from Laodice to the city of Iasus in Caria. |
15a | ?? Document: PHRC_43 (OGIS_237), a decree of Iasus in honour of Antiochus and Laodice. |
16 | << Document: BD_33 (Syll_591), a decree of Lampsacus in honour of Hegesias, who had served as an envoy to Massilia and Rome. |
16a | GRE << Document: OGIS_771, an Athenian decree in honour of Pharnaces I and his wife Nysa. |
16b | CRE ?? The Lyttians capture the city of Drerus.
@ SEG_61.722.C'8-10. |
17 | ASI == The people of Smyrna dedicate a temple to the City of Rome.
@ +Tac:Ann_4'56. |
18 | ROM == M.Helvius celebrates an ovation, over the Celtiberi.
@ +FastTr_p102. |
19 | == The triumph of Q.Minucius, from further Spain.
@ +FastTr_p102. |
20 | {March -R} The new consuls enter office, and the peace terms with Nabis are agreed by the senate.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_28.13'1; Liv_29.22'10, +34.43'1-44'8,* 38.28'2, 39.52'1; ~Zonar_9'18.(p303) |
21 | {4 April -R = ?December} The senate is given separate seats at the Megalensia for the first time.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:HarResp_24; +Liv_34.54'3-8;* ValMax_2.4'3, 4.5'1; +Ascon_69-70.L |
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| 16.10.24
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