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1 | ASI Sardis, Thyateira, Magnesia, Tralles, Ephesus, and other cities in Asia Minor surrender to the Romans.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_21.16'1; ~Liv_37.44'3-45'3;* ~Zonar_9'20.(p321) |
2 | ++ General comments on the war against Antiochus, and the role of the various Roman generals and allies in his defeat.
* Read Polybius' account @ CIL_1.12'5-7; Polyb_23.14'8-10;* Cic:Mur_31; Liv_37.58'8-59'1, 38.53'3, 39.27'4, 42.37'8, 44.14'8, 24'3; Memn_18'5; Appian:BCiv_4'67; Paus_7.8'3; Just_38.6'3; Julian:Caes_324'B. |
3 | Scipio and Antiochus agree peace terms, by which Antiochus is forced to withdraw from Asia Minor; the end of the war against Antiochus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.16'1-17'12;* Cic:Sest_58, :Deiot_36; Diod_29.10'1; ~Liv_37.45'4-21, 38.55'5-7, 59'1-7; ValMax_4.1e'9; Memn_18'9; Plut:Aem_7'2; ~Appian:Syr_38-39; Gell_4.18'3; Just_31.8'8; Eutrop_4.4'3; !Hieron:Chron_1825; Sulpit_2'19; ~Zonar_9'20;(p321) { CAH_8'286-287; Green_421.} |
4 | CIS The praetor L.Baebius is ambushed and killed by the Ligurians on his way to Spain.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_37.57'1-4;* ~Oros_4.20'24, '26. |
5 | EPI Amynander regains control of Athamania.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.25'1-11;* +Liv_38.1'1-3'8; { OCD³.} |
6 | ASI Manlius takes over command of the Roman army in Asia and advances against the Galatians.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.33'1-36'4;* +Liv_38.12'1-15'5, 42'10-11, 45'1-9, 47'8-48'12; [Vict]:VirIll_55'1; +Zonar_9'20;(p323) { CAH_8'530; OCD³.} |
7 | ROM King Eumenes addresses the senate, together with embassies from Antiochus and the Rhodians.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.18'1-24'15;* Diod_29.11'1; +Liv_37.51'8-56'10, 45.22'1-2; Strab_13'624;(4.2) Vell_2.38'5; ValMax_4.8'4; ~Appian:Syr_39, 44; Just_31.8'9; Eutrop_4.4'3; +Zonar_9'20;(p321) { CAH_8'287; Green_422.} |
8 | ROM {4 May -R = January} Document: Syll_612, a decree of the senate transmitted by the praetor Sp.Postumius, granting autonomy to Delphi. |
8a | GRE {Anthesterion -G} Document: Syll_655, an Athenian decree in honour of (?) Menander, an associate of Eumenes. |
9 | EPI Fulvius besieges Ambracia, with the poet Ennius in his retinue.
* Read Livy's account @ Ennius:Ann_384-387, :Trag_374-378; ~Polyb_21.26'1-28'18; Cic:Arch_27, :Brut_79, :Tusc_1'3; +Liv_38.3'9-7'13,* 43'2-13, 39.4'9-10; Plin:HN_35'66; Flor_1.25'1-2; Polyaen_6.17'1; Ampel_47'4; [Vict]:VirIll_52'2; +Zonar_9'21;(p325) { CAH_8'441-442; OCD³.} |
10 | LUS Paullus defeats the Lusitani.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_31.22'3; +Liv_37.57'5-6;* Plut:Aem_4'3-5; { OCD³.} |
11 | GLT Manlius defeats the Galatians at Mt.Olympus.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_21.37'1-9; +Liv_38.16'1-23'11,* 49'1-5, 39.6'5-6; +Appian:Syr_42; Festus:Brev_11'2; +Oros_4.20'25; +Zonar_9'20;(p325) { CAH_8'288; Green_422.} |
12 | GRE ?? Hegesinus becomes head of the Academy at Athens.
@ DiogLaert_4'60; { Hegesinus took over as head of the school after Euander, who succeeded Lacydes about 214 B.C., and he died before 160 B.C., when Carneades became head.} |
13 | GRE Document: Syll_585'77-103, a list of Delphic proxeni for the year when Callicrates was archon. |
14 | CRE Q.Fabius sails to Crete in an attempt to release Roman captives.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_37.60'1-7,* 38.47'5. |
15 | GRE Peace terms are agreed between the Romans and the Aetolians.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.29'1-31'2;* +Liv_38.8'1-10'2, 28'5-9, 43'5, '9, 39.4'11-12, 22'1; Vell_2.38'5; Flor_1.25'2-3; Just_32.1'1-3; [Vict]:VirIll_52'2-3; +Zonar_9'21;(p327) { Errington_p218; Green_707.} |
16 | GLT Chiomara, the wife of Orgiagon, takes revenge on a centurion who had raped her.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_21.38'1-7; +Liv_38.24'1-11;* ValMax_6.1e'2; Plut:Mor_258'E-F; Flor_1.27'6; [Vict]:VirIll_55'2. |
17 | Manlius defeats the Galatians at Mt.Magaba.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_21.39'1-14; Diod_29.12'1; +Liv_38.25'1-27'9,* 46'3; +Appian:Syr_42; Festus:Brev_11'2. |
18 | CIS {28 December -R = August} A Latin colony is founded at Bononia.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_37.57'7-8;* Vell_1.15'2; Mela_2'60; { CAH_8'114; Green_707.} |
19 | LUS {19 January -R = September} Document: CIL_1.614, a decree of Paullus granting freedom to a community near Hasta. { CAH_8'229.} |
20 | ROM Cato accuses Acilius, a rival candidate for the censorship, of appropriating some of the spoils of the war in Greece.
@ +Liv_37.57'9-58'2; { CAH_8'178-179; OCD³.} |
21 | {1 February -R = October} Regillus celebrates a triumph, for his naval victory over Antiochus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.24'16-17;* +Liv_37.58'3-5; #FastTr_p103. |
22 | M.Lepidus fails to be elected consul, for the second year running.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_38.35'1-3,* 43'1, 40.46'14. |
23 | The senate ratifies the peace with the Aetolians.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_21.31'3-32'15;* +Liv_38.10'2-11'9. |
24 | {28 February -R = November} L.Scipio celebrates a triumph for his victory over Antiochus, and brings back an enormous amount of booty to Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_21.24'16-17; Diod_34.33'1; +Liv_37.58'6-59'6;* #FastTr_p103; ValMax_3.5'1; Plin:HN_33'148-149, 34'34, 35'22, 37'12; Plut:CatMai_18'1; Gell_6.19'7; Eutrop_4.4'3; Malal_210-211; +Zonar_9'20;(p321) { Green_707.} |
24a | {29 Tubi -E = December} Document: AET_5.10, the epitaph of Nefersobek, the dauthter of a high priest of Memphis. |
25 | ROM == The censors Flamininus and Marcellus review the senate.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Sen_42; +Liv_38.28'1-4,* 36'5-10, 39.52'1, 41.9'9; +FastCap_p64; Plut:Flam_18'1-3. |
26 | Expiation of omens before the new consuls leave for their provinces.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_38.35'7-36'4;* +Obseq_2. |
27 | SYR ?? Antiochus refuses to attack as advised by Hannibal, because a sacrificial offering is unfavourable.
@ Plut:Mor_606'C. |
28 | ?? Hannibal is unimpressed by a lecture on military matters given by a philosopher called Phormion.
@ Cic:DeOr_2'75-76. |
29 | ARM Hannibal leaves Antiochus and goes via Crete to Armenia, where Artaxias has established himself as king.
* Read Nepos' account @ ~Nepos_23.9'1-4;* Strab_11'528,(14.5) '531;(14.15) Plut:Luc_31'4-5, 32'4; ~Just_32.4'3-5; { There are two alternative accounts which have Hannibal going either to Artaxias or to Prusias, after leaving Antiochus. If they are both true, then Hannibal must have gone to Artaxias first.} |
30 | GRE << Document: Sherk_17,B a decree of Elateia, thanking the Stymphalians for their previous assistance. |
31 | ASI << Document: SEG_53.1229, an honorary decree of the Chrysaorian League. |
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