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1 | PEL The Achaean League declares war on Messene.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_24.9'12-13; ~Liv_39.48'6; Plut:Phil_18'1-5;* Paus_4.29'11, 8.51'8; Just_32.1'4; Trog:Prol_32; { CAH_8'531.} |
2 | << Death of Prusias I, king of Bithynia.
@ Memn_19'3; { CAH_8'531; OCD³.} |
2a | {24 Gorpiaeus -M = ? April} Document: THI_262, a decree of the priests at Memphis in honour of Ptolemy V and Aristonicus. |
3 | MAC Rivalry between Perseus and Demetrius, after Perseus accuses Demetrius of plotting to become king of Macedonia.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_23.11'1-8;* +Liv_40.5'1-16'3; Just_32.2'8-9. |
4 | PEL Philopoemen is captured by the Messenians.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_23.12'1-2; ~Liv_39.49'1-50'4;* Plut:Phil_18'6-19'7, :Flam_22'7, :Mor_856'F;(11) Paus_4.29'12, 8.51'5-7; Just_32.1'5-8; { Errington_p240.} |
5 | ?? Stratagems of Philopoemen.
@ Polyaen_6.4'1-2. |
6 | ?? A saying of Flamininus, mocking the appearance of Philopoemen.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Phil_2'5-6,* :Mor_197'C-D. |
7 | ++ General comments on the character of Philopoemen, his bold military leadership, and his policy of independence from Rome.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_24.11'1-13'10; Diod_29.18'1; Plut:Phil_1'6-3'5,* 21'10-12, :Flam_22'1-24'5, :Arat_24'2, :Mor_812'E; Paus_8.49'1; Suda_Ph'409. |
8 | Philopoemen is put to death by the Messenians.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_23.12'3-9; ~Liv_39.50'5-10;* Plut:Phil_20'1-4; Paus_8.51'7; Just_32.1'9, ~4'9; ~Oros_4.20'29; { CAH_8'531; OCD³.} |
9 | Document: Syll_624, a decree of Megalopolis in honour of Philopoemen. |
9b | GRE Document: Syll_625, a statue of Philopoemen at Delphi. |
10 | ASI << Attalus and his brothers visit Cyzicus with their mother Apollonis.
* Read Suda's account @ Polyb_22.20'1-8; Suda_A'3415;* { Polybius mentions this visit in his narrative for the year 185/4, but says that it took place after the peace between Eumenes and Prusias.} |
10a | {Anthesterion -G} Document: RC_49 & 50, letters from Eumenes to Iasus and Cos concerning the cult of Athena Nicephoros. |
10b | EGY {1 Pauni -E = July} Document: AET_9.4'B, a 'self-dedication' to the god Anubis. |
11 | GRE Document: Syll_630, decree of the Amphictyonic Council honouring Eumenes and recognising the festival of Nicephoria. |
11a | Document: Syll_628 & 629, a decree of the Aetolians honouring Eumenes. |
11b | Document: Syll_632, a decree of the Aetolians honouring Prusias. |
12 | SPA Q.Fulvius captures the town of Urbicna.
@ +Liv_40.16'4-11; { CAH_8'125.} |
13 | PEL Messene surrenders to the Achaeans.
* Read Polybius' account @ SEG_58.370'2-11; ~Polyb_23.15'1-17'4,* 24.9'13; Diod_29.18'1; ~Liv_39.40'9; Plut:Phil_21'1-9; Paus_4.29'12; Just_32.1'10; { CAH_8'299; Errington_p240.} |
14 | Sparta rejoins the Achaean League.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_23.17'5-18'5,* 24.7'1; { CAH_8'299.} |
14b | GRE {Poitropios -G} Document: Syll_631, the dedication of money to provide a public feast at Delphi. |
15 | AFR == Roman envoys mediate in a dispute between Carthage and Masinissa, but do not reach a decision.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.17'1-6;* Appian:Pun_68; { CAH_8'145.} |
16 | ROM == C.Orchius passes the Lex Orchia, a law to restrict the numbers of guests at banquets.
@ Cato:Orig_7'12-14;L (118) ~Macrob:Sat_3.17'2-3,L '5;L Schol:Bob_141;L { CAH_8'184; OCD³.} |
17 | ?? Paullus divorces Papiria; her two sons are adopted into other families, and take on the names of Fabius and Scipio.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Off_1'121; Plut:Aem_5'1-10;* { In Plutarchus' account, this comes between the birth of Scipio Aemilianus (185/4) and Paullus' campaign in Liguria.} |
18 | ROM ?? The tribunes censure the aedile A.Mancinus for his behaviour towards a prostitute called Manilia.
@ Gell_4.14'3-6; { A.Mancinus was praetor in 180 B.C., but this story possibly refers to a different member of the same family.} |
19 | Omens, including an outbreak of plague.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.19'1-8,* 36'14; +Obseq_6. |
20 | {March -R = ?December} Envoys from Eumenes, Ariarathes, Pharnaces, and Philippus, and from the Spartans and Achaeans, appear before the senate.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_24.1'1-7;* +Liv_40.18'3-8, 19'9-20'4; Paus_7.9'6; { CAH_8'299.} |
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| 18.10.24
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