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1 | ROM {23 April -R = ?January} The temple of Venus Erycina is dedicated by L.Porcius.
* Read Livy's account @ #CIL_add.7'Apr23, 8'Oct24; +Liv_40.34'4;* #Ovid:Fast_4'871-876; { CAH_8'441; the Fasti Praenestini give the day as 24 October - perhaps in confusion with an earlier temple, dedicated in 215 B.C.} |
2 | PEL The assembly of the Achaean League reacts cautiously to the decisions of the Roman senate about Messene and Sparta.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_24.2'1-3'1;* Paus_7.9'7; { CAH_8'299.} |
3 | CIS Paullus decisively defeats the Ingauni in Liguria.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.25'1-28'10;* Frontin:Str_3.17'2; Plut:Aem_6'1-7; +Obseq_6; { CAH_8'116<182?>; OCD³.} |
4 | PAL ?? Hyrcanus the son of Joseph is forced to leave Judaea and settles on the other side of the river Jordan.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:AJ_12'228-234;* +Hieron:Chron_1836; { This was probably at least seven years before the death of Seleucus IV (Joseph:AJ_12'234).} |
5 | ROM {13 November -R = ?August} The temple of Pietas is dedicated by M'.Glabrio.
* Read Livy's account @ CIL_add.7'Nov13; +Liv_40.34'5-6;* !Plin:HN_7'121; AmmMarc_14.6'8; { OCD³.} |
6 | MAC Philippus leads an expedition to the top of Mt.Haemus.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.20'5-22'15;* Flor_1.28'4. |
7 | SYR Seleucus IV decides not to help Pharnaces in the war against Eumenes, because of the terms of the treaty of Apameia.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Polyb_fr'96; ~Diod_29.23'1-24'1;* { CAH_8'329.} |
8 | SPA Flaccus defeats the Celtiberi near Aebura and captures Contrebia.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Diod_29.28'1; +Liv_40.30'1-34'1,* 54'9, 42.34'9; Frontin:Str_2.5'8; Appian:Hisp_42; Oros_4.20'31; { CAH_8'125.} |
9 | ROM The triumph of Paullus, over the Ligurians.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Diod_29.26'1; +Liv_40.34'7-14;* CIL_11.1829; [Vict]:VirIll_56'1-2. |
10 | Q.Fulvius Flaccus suffers a third defeat in the consular elections.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.35'1-2,* 37'6. |
11 | ROM == The "books of Numa" are discovered, but they are publicly burnt by the praetor Q.Petillius.
* Read Livy's account @ +Plin:HN_13'84-87<q"L Hemina>; +Liv_40.29'3-14;* +Plut:Num_22'7-8; [Vict]:VirIll_3'2; August:DeCiv_7'34, '35,(↓) 8'5;(↓) { CAH_8'220; DPRR.} |
12 | IT+ == Roman colonies are founded at Aquileia and Graviscae.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.29'1-2,* 34'2-3; +CIL_6.1283; Strab_5'214;(1.8) ~Vell_1.15'2; +Obseq_6; { CAH_8'118; OCD³.} |
13 | ROM {March -R = ?December} The new consuls enter office, and the brothers of Eumenes appear before the senate in an attempt to secure peace with Pharnaces.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_24.5'1-8;* ~Diod_29.22'1; +Liv_40.35'2-36'13. |
14 | ASI {Dius -M} Document: Austin_238,B a letter from Eumenes to Artemidorus, the governor of Telmessus. |
15 | ?? Document: Syll_588, a treaty ending a war between Magnesia and Miletus. { Errington_p235.} |
16 | EGY ?? Document: OGIS_99, a statue dedicated by the Lycian League at Alexandria. |
17 | ?? Document: OGIS_100, a statue of Apollonius at Bubastis. |
18 | ?? Document: AET_4.19, a statue of an Egyptian dioiketes. |
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| 15.01.25
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