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1 | ROM {5 May -R = ?February} The consul Scipio dies at the end of the Latin Festival.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_41.16'1-6;* +Obseq_9. |
2 | IT+ The consuls of the previous year achieve further victories in Sardinia and Liguria; Claudius recaptures Mutina.
@ +Liv_41.16'7-17'4. |
3 | ROM {3 August -R = ?May} C.Valerius Laevinus is elected consul in place of Scipio.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_41.16'5, 17'5-6;* +FastCap_p66. |
4 | {5 August -R = ?May} Petillius leaves Rome for Liguria.
@ +Liv_41.17'6-8. |
4a | {11 August -R = ?May} The Latin Festival is repeated.
@ +Liv_41.16'5. |
5 | PAL {Simanu -B = June} Document: THI_248, an Edomite marriage contract from Marisa. |
5a | MAC ?? Document: Syll_638, recording the decision of arbitrators in a dispute between Mondaea and Azorus. |
6 | PAL << Aristobulus, the Jewish writer and philosopher, is in his prime.
* Read Jerome's account @ !ClemAl:Strom_5'14;(↓↓) ChronPasc_437'C; +Hieron:Chron_1841;* { OCD³?150-100.} |
7 | CIS The consul Petillius is killed while attacking a mountain-top in Liguria.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_41.17'9-18'16;* +FastCap_p66; ValMax_1.5'9, 2.7'15; Frontin:Str_4.1'46; +Obseq_9; { CAH_8'116.} |
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| 06.02.25
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