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1 | ROM {3 May -R = ?Feb} After crop failures, the senate decrees that the festival of Floralia should be celebrated every year.
@ #Ovid:Fast_5'311-330. |
2 | {13 August -R = ?May} Q.Fulvius dedicates the temple of Fortuna Equestris, for which he strips the roof tiles off the temple of Juno at Lacinium.
* Read Livy's account @ #CIL_add.7'Aug13; +Liv_42.3'1-11,* 28'10, '12; ValMax_1.1'20; { CAH_8'503; DPRR.} |
2a | ASI ?? Document: SEG_66.1215, an account of building work for the temple at Didyma. |
3 | GRE A Roman embassy investigates social unrest in Aetolia and Thessaly, and M.Marcellus addresses the assembly of the Achaean League.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_29.33'1; +Liv_42.2'1-7,* 4'5-6'5; { CAH_8'305; Green_427.} |
4 | CIS M.Popillius ruthlessly subdues the Ligurians.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Off_1'36; +Liv_42.7'1-9'6,* 10'9, 21'6-7, 45.15'10; { CAH_8'116.} |
4a | EGY {17 Mesore -E = Sept.} Document: SelPap_1.1A, a marriage contract of Greek residents in Crocodilopolis. |
5 | ROM An embassy from Antiochus establishes friendly relations between the king and the Romans.
@ +Liv_42.6'6-17; { Green_429.} |
6 | ?? The Lex Cicereia provides regulations for sureties.
@ Gaius:Inst_3'123.L |
7 | ?? Q.Fabius Labeo judges a dispute between Neapolis and Nola.
@ Cic:Off_1'33; { Labeo was consul in 183 B.C.} |
8 | == The Epicurean philosophers Alcaeus and Philiscus are expelled from Rome.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_12.547'a;* Aelian:VH_9'12; Suda_E'2405<q" Aelian:Fr_39>; { CAH_8'461; Green_709.} |
9 | CIS == The senate appoints a commission to allot vacant land in Liguria and Cisalpine Gaul to Roman citizens and Latin allies.
@ +Liv_42.4'3-4; { CAH_8'117, '213.} |
10 | ROM Postumius holds the elections for new magistrates; for the first time, two plebeian consuls are elected.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_42.9'7-8;* +FastCap_p66. |
11 | >> Eumenes visits Rome and accuses Perseus before the senate.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_29.34'1; +Liv_42.11'1-14'10;* ValMax_2.2'1; Plut:CatMai_8'12-13; Appian:Mac_11'1-3;(17) { CAH_8'322..} |
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| 18.10.24
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