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1 | ROM {15 March -R = ?January} The new consuls enter office; the senate sends out ten envoys to oversee the settlement of Macedonia.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_45.16'1-18'8;* SHA:Hadr_5'3; +Obseq_11. |
2 | Attalus the brother of Eumenes appears before the senate.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.1'1-3'8;* +Liv_45.19'1-20'3; Eutrop_4.8'2; Zonar_9'24.(p359) |
3 | The praetor Juventius urges the Roman people to declare war against the Rhodians.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.4'1-6;* Diod_31.5'3; +Liv_45.20'4-21'8. |
4 | The Rhodian envoys address the senate; they are supported by M.Cato.
* Read Gellius' account @ ~Polyb_30.4'7-5'1; Gell_6.3'5-55<q"* Cato:Orig_5'3>; Sall:Cat_51'5; Diod_31.3'1-5'2a; +Liv_45.22'1-25'6; Plin:HN_7'182; DioCass_fr.68'2; Zonar_9'24;(p355) { CAH_8'457.} |
5 | AEG The Rhodians are relieved to learn that Rome has not declared war on them; but they are forced to evacuate Caria and Lycia.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.5'2-16,* 31'4-5; Diod_31.5'2b; +Liv_45.25'6-13; DioCass_fr.68'3; Zonar_9'24;(p357) { CAH_8'337.} |
6 | AEG {Bysius -G = February/March} Document: Austin_147b,B the manumission record of Maiphatas and Ammia. |
6a | EGY {Phamenoth -E = April} Document: AET_6.7, a letter from a soldier to the residents of Djeme. |
7 | MAC Paullus and the ten envoys announce the division of Macedonia into four independent states.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_30.11'1-13'11; Diod_31.8'1-9; +Liv_45.28'7-32'7;* Strab_7.fr'7;(7.12) ~Plut:Aem_28'5-6; Just_33.2'7; [Euseb]:Chron_239;(↓) Eutrop_4.7'3; Suda_Ai'200; { CAH_8'317-318; Green_710.} |
8 | Paullus holds his victory games at Amphipolis.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_30.14'1, 25'1; Diod_31.8'9, '13; +Liv_45.32'8-33'7;* [Liv]:Per_51; ~Plut:Aem_28'7-9, :Mor_198'B, 615'E-F;(Q1.2) Eutrop_4.7'3; { CAH_8'345.} |
8a | Document: SEG_64.492, two letters from Paullus, reprimanding the city of Gonni. |
9 | << Scipio Aemilianus proves his courage while hunting in the royal parks of Macedonia.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_31.29'1-7;* Diod_31.27'8. |
10 | PAL << Apollonius, the general of Antiochus, suppresses his opponents in Jerusalem, and establishes a garrison there.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ 1Macc_1'29-40;* ~2Macc_5'22-26; Joseph:BJ_1'35, :AJ_12'251-252, 13'292; Suda_A'2693; { Green_514.} |
11 | ILL Paullus pillages Epirus, sacks seventy cities and carries off 150,000 slaves to Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_30.15'1, 32.5'5-6; +Liv_45.33'8-34'9;* Strab_7'322;(7.3) Plin:HN_4'39; ~Plut:Aem_29'1-30'1; Appian:Ill_9-10;(↓) DioCass_fr.67'2; Eutrop_4.8'1; { CAH_8'317; OCD³.} |
12 | ASI A Roman embassy attempts to arrange an end to the fighting between Eumenes and the Galatians.
@ +Liv_45.34'10-14. |
12a | MAC ?? Document: SEG_56.636, a decree of Larissa in honour of Novius Latinus. { Dated to a year between 170 and 167.} |
12b | EGY {3 Payni -E = July} Document: SelPap_271A, a petition about prisoners of war. |
12c | GRE {31 Scirophorion -G = July} Document: Syll_651, an Athenian decree in honour of Diodorus, a friend of Eumenes. |
13 | << The Athenians send Metrodorus to serve Paullus as a painter and a philosopher.
@ Plin:HN_35'135. |
14 | << The death of Agamestor, an Academic philosopher.
@ +Apollod:Fr_47; { When Xenocles was Athenian archon.} |
14a | << Document: OGIS_241, a decree of Delphi in honour of Dicaearchus of Laodiceia, a courtier of Antiochus. |
15 | << Document: Sherk_24B (Syll_652a), the inscription from a statue of Paullus at Delphi. |
15a | PEL << Document: Syll_650, the inscription from a statue of Cn.Octavius at Olympia. |
15b | AEG << Document: THI_99.P, a decree of Cos in honour of the doctor of Cn.Octavius. |
16 | PEL Over a thousand of the leading Achaeans are deported to Rome.
* Read Pausanias' account @ +Liv_45.35'1-2; Paus_7.10'5-12;* Just_33.2'8; Zonar_9'31;(p399) { CAH_8'317; Green_425.} |
17 | ROM Paullus arrives at Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_31.8'9, 11'2; +Liv_45.35'1-3,* 41'7-8; Plut:Aem_30'2-3, 36'5; Appian:Mac_19'2;(35) Eutrop_4.8'1. |
18 | A motion to grant a triumph to Paullus is passed, despite the strong opposition of Ser.Galba.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_45.35'4-39'20;* [Liv]:Per_45; Vell_1.9'6; Plut:Aem_30'4-32'1; { CAH_8'177; OCD³.} |
19 | PAL Antiochus issues a decree forcing the Jews to adopt Hellenic customs and make pagan sacrifices.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_1'41-53;* ~2Macc_5'27-6'1, '6; Joseph:BJ_1'34, :AJ_10'275-276, 12'253-254; [Euseb]:Chron_123,(↓) 127;(↓) ChronPasc_464'B, 509'B; !Hieron:Chron_1848; August:DeCiv_18'45;(↓) ExcBarb_47A; ChronSynt_67;(↓) Suda_A'2693; { CAH_8'349=168.} |
20 | ROM {25 November -R = September} The death of Paullus' younger son.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Diod_31.11'1; +Liv_45.40'7, 41'9, '11; Vell_1.10'5; ValMax_5.10'2; ~Plut:Aem_35'1-2,* 36'7, :Mor_198'C; Appian:Mac_19'1, '3;(35) [Vict]:VirIll_56'4; Zonar_9'24.(p351) |
21 | {27 November -R = September} The first day of Paullus' triumph: a display of statues and pictures.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Diod_31.8'10; Plin:HN_34'54; ~Plut:Aem_32'2-4;* Flor_1.28'13; { Green_710.} |
22 | {28 November -R = September} The second day of Paullus' triumph: Perseus' treasury, consisting of more than 6,000 talents of gold and silver, is brought to Rome.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_18.35'4-5; Cic:Off_2'76; Diod_31.8'11, 26'1; Vell_1.9'6, 2.40'3; ValMax_4.3'8; Plin:HN_33'56; ~Plut:Aem_32'5-9;* Flor_1.28'13; Suda_L'330. |
23 | {29 November -R = September} The last day of Paullus' triumph: Perseus and his children are led before the chariot of Paullus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Cat_4'21; Diod_31.8'12, 9'1; +Liv_45.40'1-8; #FastTr_p104; Vell_1.9'5-6; ValMax_5.10'2; Tac:Ann_12'38; ~Plut:Aem_33'1-34'8,* :Mor_198'B; Flor_1.28'12-13; Eutrop_4.8'1; Oros_4.20'39; Zonar_9'24.(p351) |
24 | {1 December -R = September} The "naval" triumph of Octavius.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_31.8'10; +Liv_45.42'2-3;* #FastTr_p104; Vell_1.9'5; Plin:HN_34'13. |
25 | {2 December -R = September} The death of Paullus' elder son.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Tusc_3'70, :Sen_68, :Amic_9, :Fam_4.6'1; Diod_31.11'1; +Liv_45.40'7, 41'9, '11; Vell_1.10'5; ValMax_5.10'2; ~Plut:Aem_35'1-2,* :Mor_198'C; Appian:Mac_19'1;(35) [Vict]:VirIll_56'4; Zonar_9'24.(p351) |
26 | Paullus' speech to the people on the death of his sons.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Diod_31.11'1-3; +Liv_45.40'9-42'1; Vell_1.10'4; ValMax_5.10'2; Sen:Dial_6.13'3-4, 11.14'5; ~Plut:Aem_35'3-37'1,* :Tim_41'10,(2) :Mor_198'C; Appian:Mac_19'2-3;(35) Ampel_18'13; [Vict]:VirIll_56'4-5; Zonar_9'24.(p351) |
27 | ETR Perseus is emprisoned at Alba Fucens.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Diod_31.9'1-7;* +Liv_45.42'4-5; ~Plut:Aem_37'2, '4; Ampel_16'4; [Euseb]:Chron_239; AmmMarc_14.11'31; Oros_4.20'40; Zonar_9'24.(p353) |
28 | The Achaean detainees are distributed amongst the Etruscan cities; but the historian Polybius is allowed to stay at Rome, where he becomes the mentor of Scipio Aemilianus.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_31.23'1-25'10,* 29'8-12; Diod_31.26'4-27'2; Paus_7.10'11; Suda_P'184, P'1941; { Walbank_p497.} |
29 | ROM An embassy from Cotys the king of the Thracians persuades the senate to release his son Bithys and other Thracian hostages.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.17'1-4;* +Liv_45.42'6-12; { CAH_8'319=166; Walbank_p440.} |
30 | The senate agrees to Athenian control of Lemnos, Haliartus, and Delos, which becomes a free port.
* Read Polybius' account @ Syll_657; ~Polyb_30.19'17-20'9,* 31.10'12, 32.7'2; Strab_10'486;(5.4) { CAH_8'318; OCD³.} |
31 | The Rhodian envoy Theaedetus dies at Rome, while waiting for the senate to make a decision about the alliance with Rhodes.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.21'1-5,* 31'8; { Theaedetus was sent off to Rome in May/June of this year (Walbank_p422).} |
32 | {17 February -R = ?December} The triumph of Anicius, over Genthius and the Illyrians.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.22'1-12;* Diod_31.8'10; +Liv_45.43'1-10; #FastTr_p104; Vell_1.9'5; Eutrop_4.8'2. |
33 | {24 February -R = ?December} The beginning of an intercalary month at Rome.
@ #Liv_45.44'3. |
34 | Prusias visits Rome, and congratulates the senate on the victory in Macedonia.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_30.18'1-7; Diod_31.15'1-3; +Liv_45.44'4-21;* [Liv]:Per_45; ValMax_5.1'1; Appian:Mith_2; DioCass_fr.69'1; Eutrop_4.8'2; Zonar_9'24;(p357) { CAH_8'534.} |
35 | ITA >> Eumenes arrives at Brundisium, but he returns home after the Roman senate issues a decree discouraging visits by kings.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_30.19'1-17;* Diod_31.7'1; ~[Liv]:Per_46; Just_38.6'4; { CAH_8'534; Green_447.} |
36 | PAL {15 Kislev -J = December} The Syrians set up the "abomination of the desolation" in the temple at Jerusalem.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ Daniel_7'25, 8'9-14, 9'27, 11'31-39; #1Macc_1'54-58;* 2Macc_6'2-5; Joseph:BJ_1'32, 5'394, :AJ_12'253; Porph:Fr_51, 53, 58; [Euseb]:Chron_127;(↓) !Hieron:Chron_1848; August:DeCiv_18'45;(↓) Malal_206-207; ExcBarb_46A; Suda_B'202; { Green_516.} |
37 | {25 Kislev -J = December} Pagan sacrifices are performed at Jerusalem and throughout Judaea, with brutal punishment for any resistance.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ #1Macc_1'59-64;* 2Macc_6'7-10; Diod_34.1'4; 4Macc_4'23-26; Joseph:AJ_12'255-256; Sulpit_2'19;(↓) August:DeCiv_18'45;(↓) { Green_515.} |
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