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1 | ROM { 20 February -R = ?January} The triumph of Sulpicius, over the Ligurians.
@ #FastTr_p105. | ||||||||
2 | << The senate promises a Galatian embassy that their country will remain autonomous.
@ ~Polyb_30.28'1; { CAH_8'435; Green_447.} | ||||||||
3 | {4 April -R = ?March} Terentius' "Hecyra" is performed at the Megalensia.
@ #Hyp:Ter_Hec; { OCD³.} | ||||||||
4 | PAL << The death of Mattathias; his dying address to his sons.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ +1Macc_2'49-70;* Joseph:BJ_1'37, :AJ_12'279-286; Porph:Fr_52; [Euseb]:Chron_129; Sulpit_2'21; { Green_518.} | ||||||||
5 | Judas defeats a Syrian force led by Apollonius.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_3'10-12;* Joseph:AJ_12'287; Sulpit_2'21. | ||||||||
5a | PEL Popular resentment in Achaea against the policies of Callicrates.
@ ~Polyb_30.29'1-7; { Walbank_p455.} | ||||||||
6 | MES {10 Ayyaru -B = May} Document: Cuneif_P.363353, a list of kings and sages, found at Uruk. | ||||||||
6a | GRE {Herakleios -G = ? May/June} Document: THI_24.D, the manumission of an Aetolian slave woman at Delphi. | ||||||||
6b | ?? Document: Syll_653, a list of honours granted to Cassander of Alexandria Troas by Delphi and other cities. | ||||||||
6c | ASI ?? Document: SEG_57.1109, a letter from Eumenes II to the city of Tabae in Caria. | ||||||||
6d | << Document: OGIS_305, a decree of Delphi concerning games at Sardis in honour of Eumenes. | ||||||||
7 | SYR Antiochus appoints Lysias as viceroy during his expedition to the East.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ +1Macc_3'26-37;* 4Macc_18'5; Joseph:AJ_12'293-297; Porph:Fr_57; Sulpit_2'21; { CAH_8'350; Green_439.} | ||||||||
8 | PAL Judas defeats a Syrian force led by Seron.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_3'13-25;* Joseph:AJ_12'288-292; Sulpit_2'21. | ||||||||
9 | EGY ?? Dionysius Petosarapis rebels against Ptolemy, but is defeated.
* Read Diodorus' account @ SelPap_2.272'8-9; ~Diod_31.15a'1-4;* { Hölbl_p181; Walbank_p397.} | ||||||||
10 | ARM Antiochus defeats Artaxias, king of Armenia.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Diod_31.17a'1;* Appian:Syr_45, 66; Porph:Fr_38, 55, 56; { CAH_8'351..} | ||||||||
11 | PAL Judas defeats a Syrian force led by Gorgias at Emmaus.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_3'38-4'27;* ~2Macc_8'8-29, '34-36; Joseph:BJ_1'38, :AJ_12'298-312; Sulpit_2'21. | ||||||||
12 | PAL {13 Mesore -E = September} Document: SelPap_2.376, a receipt for pasture-tax. | ||||||||
13 | CAP Gracchus subdues the Cammani.
@ ~Polyb_31.1'1; { Walbank_p463.} | ||||||||
14 | PAL Judas defeats a Syrian force led by Lysias at Bethsur.
* Read 2Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_4'28-35; ~2Macc_11'1-12;* Joseph:AJ_12'313-315; Sulpit_2'22; { CAH_8'535=164; Green_518.} | ||||||||
15 | ETR ++ Perseus is abstemious and ungenerous, despite his great wealth.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Diod_30.21'2-3;* Plut:Aem_8'10; Athen_10.445'd. | ||||||||
16 | Perseus dies in prison at Alba.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_36.10'3; Sall:Hist_4.67'7; ~Diod_31.9'5; ~Vell_1.11'1; ValMax_5.1'1; Plut:Aem_37'2-4;* ~[Euseb]:Chron_239; Zonar_9'24;(p355) { Green_415 16a
| GRE Document: Syll_659, a decree of Delphi in honour of Nicon, a tragedian.
| 16b
| THR Document: THI_245,B a decree of Abdera in honour of the people of Teos.
| 16c
| ASI << Document: THI_80, a treaty between the city of Antiocheia-on-Maeander and an extended family.
| 17
| ITA >> P.Lentulus as praetor buys up and redistributes the public land in Campania.
| * Read Granius' account @ Cic:LegAgr_2'82; GranLic_9-10;* { DPRR.} |
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| 21.10.24
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