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1 | ROM {1 January -R} The consuls enter office early because of the fighting in Spain.
* Read Livy's account @ CIL_add.8'Jan1; ~[Liv]:Per_47;* Ovid:Fast_3'147-148; Cassiod:Chr_601; { CAH_8'537; OCD³.} |
2 | The senate decides not to release the Achaean detainees.
@ ~Polyb_33.14'1; { Walbank_p557.} |
3 | Alexander Balas arrives at Rome.
@ ~Polyb_33.15'1-2; { CAH_8'362.} |
4 | LUS The Lusitani defeat Mummius.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Diod_31.42'1;* ~Appian:Hisp_56' |
4a | GRE Document: THI_152, a decree of Delphi honouring three judges from Opous. |
5 | EGY Document: SelPap_1.99, a letter from Sarapion to his brothers. |
6 | ROM The censors, M.Valerius and C.Cassius, complete the census.
* Read Fasti's account @ ~FastCap_p68;* [Liv]:Per_48; ValMax_2.9'9. |
7 | SPA {23 August -R} The Celtiberi, led by (?) Carus, kill 6000 Roman soldiers in an ambush.
* Read Florus' account @ ~Diod_31.41'1; Flor_1.34'3-4;* #~Appian:Hisp_45; { Shortly after the arrival of Nobilior in Spain.} |
8 | {26 August -R} Nobilior is repulsed at Numantia.
@ #~Appian:Hisp_46; { CAH_8'537.} |
9 | AEG The Cretans attack Siphnos.
@ ~Diod_31.45'1; { This happened during the war against Rhodes (Walbank_p546).} |
9a | ?? Document: Syll_570, a decree of Carpathos in honour of a commander in the war against the Cretans. |
10 | LUS The Lusitani make raids into neighbouring territories, but are checked by Mummius.
* Read Appian's account @ ~Appian:Hisp_57;* Eutrop_4.9'1; { CAH_8'132; DPRR.} |
11 | ROM A Rhodian embassy, led by Astymedes, appeals for Roman intervention in the war against Crete.
@ ~Polyb_33.15'3-4. |
12 | SPA The Celtiberi ambush Roman cavalry reinforcements, and kill their leader Blesius.
@ ~Appian:Hisp_47' |
13 | AFR Another Roman commission is sent to arbitrate between Masinissa and Carthage.
* Read Appian's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_47; Appian:Pun_68;* { CAH_8'149; Walbank_p653.} |
14 | PEL The Rhodians make an unsuccessful appeal to the Achaean assembly for help against the Cretans.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_33.16'1-17'5;* ~Diod_31.43'1, 44'1; { CAH_8'381.} |
15 | SPA Nobilior spends the winter in camp in Spain.
@ ~Appian:Hisp_47' |
16 | NUM == A son called Methimannus is born to Masinissa, who is 86 years old.
@ ~Plin:HN_7'61; ~Plut:Mor_791'F. |
17 | AEG << Document: Syll_693, recording a treaty between Rome and Methymna. |
18 | ROM ?? P.Lentulus gives his daughter a dowry of just 25 sestertii.
@ GranLic_10; { P.Lentulus was consul suffectus in 162 B.C.; he lived on for many more years, until at least 121 B.C.} |
19 | << L.Lentulus is convicted of treason.
@ ValMax_6.9'10; { L.Lentulus was consul in 156 B.C. and was probably prosecuted after acting as governor of a province..} |
20 | == Cato defends himself against an accusation in court, for the last time.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Liv_39.40'12; ~ValMax_8.7'1; ~Plut:CatMai_15'4-5,* :Mor_784'D; { The ancient sources state that Cato was 86 years old at the time, but this is based on the assumption that he lived for 90 years.} |
21 | == Several praetors are convicted of extortion.
@ ~[Liv]:Per_47; { CAH_8'131.} |
22 | == Publicia and Licinia are put to death on suspicion of having murdered their husbands.
* Read Livy's account @ [Liv]:Per_48;* ValMax_6.3'8; { Publicia was accused of poisoning Postumius, the consul of the previous year.} |
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| 15.01.25
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