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1 | LUS The Romans refuse to reward Viriathus' murderers.
* Read Eutropius' account @ +[Liv]:EpOx_55'200-202;L Eutrop_4.16'2;* Oros_5.4'14, 23'15. |
2 | Tautalus, the successor of Viriathus, surrenders to the Romans.
* Read Appian's account @ Diod_33.1'4; ~Appian:Hisp_75;* { CAH_8'140; OCD³.} |
3 | SYR ?? Tryphon sends a statue of victory to Rome.
@ ~Diod_33.28a'1. |
4 | ROM The consuls punish C.Matienius and other deserters.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_55,* +:EpOx_55'207-209;L Frontin:Str_4.1'20; { CAH_8'194.} |
5 | C.Curiatius gives Nasica the nickname Serapio, because of his likeness to a certain slave.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_55;* ValMax_9.14'3; Plin:HN_7'54. |
6 | The tribunes Licinius and Curiatius place the consuls in prison.
* Read Livy's account @ +Cic:Leg_3'20;L +[Liv]:Per_55,* +:EpOx_55'202-205;L { CAH_8'194-195; DPRR.} |
7 | A dispute between Curiatius and Nasica over the corn supply.
@ +ValMax_3.7'3; { CAH_8'193; CAH_9'60.} |
8 | SYR Antiochus VII marries Cleopatra, his brother's wife, and becomes the official king of Syria.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:AJ_13'220-222;* Appian:Syr_68,b; Just_36.1'9; ![Euseb]:Chron_255;(↓) Hieron:Chron_1880; ExcBarb_46B; ChronSynt_92; { CAH_8'368; Green_535.} |
9 | Antiochus drives out Tryphon, who takes refuge in Dora.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ +1Macc_15'1-14;* Apollod:Fr_19; Joseph:AJ_13'223; Frontin:Str_2.13'2; Just_36.1'8; { CAH_8'368; OCD³.} |
10 | EGY ?? Galaestes gathers together exiles from Egypt and starts a revolt against Ptolemy.
@ ~Diod_33.20'1, 22'1, 23'1. |
11 | AEG ?? Document: Austin_245B (OGIS_329), a decree of Aegina in honour of Cleon of Pergamon. |
12 | LYC ?? Attalus founds the city of Attaleia in Pamphylia.
@ Strab_14'667.(4.1) |
13 | AS1 ?? Attalus attempts to improve the harbour at Ephesus.
@ Strab_14'641.(1.24) |
14 | ?? Attalus settles the Dionysiac artists at Myonnesus, but soon afterwards they migrate to Lebedus.
@ Strab_14'643.(1.29) |
15 | ?? Attalus invents a technique of gold embroidery.
@ Plin:HN_8'196. |
16 | ?? Attalus becomes indolent, and hands over the control of his kingdom to Philopoemen.
@ Plut:Mor_792'A-B. |
17 | The death of Attalus II of Pergamon, and accession of Attalus III.
* Read Strabo's account @ OGIS_264'C; ~Strab_13'624;* (4.2) Plut:Mor_184'B, 489'F-490'A; Lucian:Macr_12; Trog:Prol_36; { CAH_8'376; Green_715.} |
18 | PER ?? The death of Mithridates I of Parthia and accession of Phraates II.
* Read Justin's account @ Just_38.9'6,* 41.6'9, ~42.1'1; { CAH_8'371; Green_535.} |
19 | GRE Document: Burstein_80B (Syll_683), recording arbitration by Miletus in a dispute between Messenia and Sparta. |
20 | SPA Popillius attacks the Lusones.
@ ~Appian:Hisp_79.(↓) |
21 | SPA Popillius is defeated at Numantia.
* Read Frontinus' account @ Lucil_714; ~[Liv]:Per_55, +:EpOx_55'212;L Frontin:Str_3.17'9;* { OCD³.} |
22 | ROM ++ Cornelia educates her sons carefully, and employs eminent teachers including Diophanes of Mytilene.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Brut_104;* Plut:TGrac_1'7. |
23 | C.Gracchus joins the Roman army.
@ ~Plut:CGrac_2'9. |
24 | PAL Antiochus sends Athenobius to demand concessions from Simon.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ 1Macc_15'25-36;* Joseph:AJ_13'223-224; { CAH_9'285.} |
25 | PHO ?? Tryphon sacks Berytus.
@ Strab_16'756.(2.19) |
26 | SYR ++ General comments on Tryphon's revolt, and its effect Syrian kingdom.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_14'668,* (5.2) 16'752;(2.10) Porph:Fr_48. |
27 | Tryphon escapes from Dora, but is killed at Apameia.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~1Macc_15'37-39; Strab_14'668;(5.2) ~Joseph:AJ_13'224;* Appian:Syr_68; Charax_29; +Hieron:Chron_1879; { CAH_8'369; Green_535.} |
28 | EGY {2 Hathur -E = 27 Nov.} Document: SelPap_2.377, a tax receipt from Diospolis Magna. |
28a | MES {December} Hyspaosines attacks the Elamites.
@ AstrDiar_137D.rev'1-3. |
29 | == L.Cotta is accused by Scipio Aemilianus of taking bribes, but he is acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:DivCaec_69,* :Mur_58; +[Liv]:EpOx_55'210-211;L ValMax_8.1'11; Tac:Ann_3'66; Appian:BCiv_1'22. |
30 | == Galba and Laelius speak on opposite sides when a guild is accused of organising a murder in the Silan forest.
@ +Cic:Brut_85-89; { CAH_9'60-61.} |
31 | == The birth of L.Sulla.
* Read Velleius' account @ ~Vell_2.17'3;* ~Plut:Sull_6'18; [Vict]:VirIll_75'1; { OCD³.} |
32 | GRE ?? Document: Burstein_80,B a decision by Milesian arbitrators in a dispute between Messene and Sparta. |
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| 28.10.24
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