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1 | MES Negotiations between Antiochus and Phraates break down.
@ ~Diod_34.15'1. |
2 | PER << Phraates releases Demetrius.
* Read Justin's account @ Joseph:AJ_13'253; Appian:Syr_68; ~Just_38.10'7;* +[Euseb]:Chron_255;(↓) { CAH_8'372; OCD³.} |
2a | PHO << Document: SEG_19.904, a dedication at Ptolemais on behalf of Antiochus VII and Cleopatra. |
3 | SYR ?? Antiochus is given shelter by a poor family after getting lost while hunting.
@ Plut:Mor_184'D-E. |
4 | ?? Antiochus invites his subjects to magnificent feasts.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_5.210'd, 12.540'b-c.* |
5 | MES Antiochus VII is defeated and killed by Phraates.
* Read Justin's account @ Athen_10.439'd-e<q" Poseidon_11>; ~Diod_34.16'1-17'1; Joseph:AJ_13'253; Appian:Syr_68; ~Just_38.10'8-10;* Aelian:NA_10'34; +[Euseb]:Chron_255-257;(↓↓) ~Obseq_28; !Hieron:Chron_1889; Oros_5.10'8; Movses_2'2; { CAH_8'372; OCD³.} |
6 | Phraates captures the Syrian army, along with Seleucus the son of Antiochus.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_4.153'a-b<q"* Poseidon_12>; Just_42.1'4. |
7 | Phraates punishes the inhabitants of Seleuceia.
@ ~Diod_34.19'1. |
8 | ROM Scipio speaks in defence of the Italian allies.
* Read Appian's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_59; +Appian:BCiv_1'19;* ~Oros_5.10'9; Schol:Bob_118 { CAH_8'240.} |
9 | SYR Demetrius is established as king.
* Read Justin's account @ Joseph:AJ_13'253; ~Just_38.10'11;* Trog:Prol_39; [Euseb]:Chron_257, 263; !Hieron:Chron_1889; ExcBarb_46B; ChronSynt_92; { OCD³.} |
10 | ROM Omens, including the doubling of the sun and a weeping statue of Apollo.
* Read Dio's account @ +Cic:ND_2'14; DioCass_fr.84'2;* +Obseq_28. |
11 | The dramatic date of Cicero's "De Re Publica".
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:QFr_3.5'1,* +:Rep_1'14, :Amic_14. |
12 | ?? Scipio dedicated a temple to Virtue.
@ Plut:Mor_318'D. |
13 | ?? Q.Tubero as tribune rules against Scipio in a procedural dispute concerning the augurs.
@ Cic:Brut_117. |
14 | ?? Scipio sharply criticizes P.Sulpicius Gallus for his effeminacy.
@ Gell_6.12'4. |
15 | ?? Scipio introduces the habit of shaving daily.
@ Plin:HN_7'211. |
16 | ++ The philosopher Panaetius is a regular companion of Scipio.
* Read Suda's account @ Plut:Mor_814'C-D; Suda_P'184.* |
17 | ++ General comments on the cultured character of Scipio, his ability as a general, and in particular his friendship with Laelius.
* Read Cicero's account @ Lucil_254-258; Cic:Mur_66, :DeOr_2'22, :Brut_82-84,* :Tusc_2'62; Hor:Sat_2.1'65-75; Vell_1.13'3; ValMax_4.7'7, 8.8'1; Sen:Dial_9.17'4; Frontin:Str_4.3'9, 7'4; Plut:Mor_199'F, 797'D, 806'A; Julian:Or_8.244'C-D. |
18 | The sudden and unexplained death of Scipio Aemilianus; his political foe Metellus acknowledges his greatness.
* Read Appian's account @ Cic:DeOr_2'170, :Mil_16, :Rep_6'12, '14, :Amic_11-12; ~[Liv]:Per_59; +Vell_2.4'5-6; ValMax_4.1'12, 5.3'2; Plin:HN_7'144, 33'141; Plut:CGrac_10'5-6, :Rom_27'5, :Mor_199'F, 202'A; +Appian:BCiv_1'20;* DioCass_fr.84'1; [Vict]:VirIll_58'10-11; +Oros_5.10'9-10; Schol:Bob_118 { CAH_9'781; OCD³.} |
19 | The dramatic date of Cicero's "De Amicitia".
@ Cic:Amic_3-5. |
20 | Q.Maximus gives a public banquet in memory of Scipio.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Mur_75;* ValMax_7.5'1; { CAH_9'685.} |
21 | CAP << Laodice (? Nysa) murders the sons of Ariarathes.
@ Just_37.1'3-5; { After the death of Ariarathes V.} |
22 | ILL Tuditanus is defeated in his first battle against the Iapydes.
@ [Liv]:Per_59. |
23 | GRE << The death of Antipater of Tarsus, the head of the Stoic school.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Mar_46'2,* :Mor_469'D, :Fr_206; { Green_637.} |
24 | AS1 Aquillius subdues the remaining rebels.
* Read Florus' account @ Sherk_43;B Flor_1.35'7;* Appian:BCiv_1'22; { CAH_8'380; OCD³.} |
25 | << The Massilians intercede on behalf of the Phocaeans.
@ Just_37.1'1; { After the defeat of Aristonicus.} |
26 | PER A Scythian invasion prevents Phraates from invading Syria.
* Read Justin's account @ Diod_34.18'1; Just_42.1'1-2;* { CAH_8'372.} |
27 | ILL Tuditanus defeats the Iapydes.
* Read Livy's account @ CIL_1.652; [Liv]:Per_59;* Plin:HN_3'129; Appian:Ill_10' |
28 | PAL Hyrcanus invades the neighbouring parts of Syria.
* Read Josephus' account @ MegTaan_9'3; Joseph:BJ_1'62-63, :AJ_13'254-258,* 15'254; ChronPasc_445'A; Hieron:Chron_1898; { Immediately after the death of Antiochus VII.} |
29 | EGY Cleopatra II appeals to Demetrius for help against Ptolemy.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Just_38.9'1,* 39.1'2, 4; { Green_716; Hölbl_p200.} |
30 | ROM {1 October -R} The triumph of Tuditanus, over the Iapydes.
@ CIL_1.652; FastTr_p105; { CAH_9'781.} |
31 | AS1 {Hyperberetaeus -M = Sept./Oct.} Document: Austin_252B (OGIS_339), a decree of Sestus in honour of Menas. |
31a | << Document: THI_165, a decision by the youths of Methymna, due to the war in Asia. |
32 | Document: Austin_250B (Syll_694), a decree of Elaea or Pergamon recording the city's status as a Roman ally following the war against Aristonicus. |
33 | GRE ?? Carneades purges his body with "white hellebore".
@ ValMax_8.7e'5; Gell_17.15'1-3. |
34 | ?? Carneades has many pupils, including Aeschines, Cleitomachus, Mentor, Metrodorus and Q.Metellus.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Phld:Acad_22-24,B 26;B Cic:DeOr_1'45, 3'68, :Acad_2'16; Plut:Mor_791'A-B; DiogLaert_4'63-64,* '66. |
35 | ++ General comments on the philosophy and diligent character of Carneades.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Cic:Acad_2'98, :Fin_2'42, '59, 3'41, :Tusc_5'11, '83-84, '120; ValMax_8.7e'5; DiogLaert_4'62.* |
36 | {November} The death of Carneades son of Epicomus.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Apollod:Fr_56; ValMax_8.7e'5; Lucian:Macr_20; Censor:DN_15'3; DiogLaert_4'64-66,* '67; Suda_K'400; { OCD³; Green_607.} |
37 | EGY {29 Hathur -E = December} Document: SelPap_1.37, recording the sale of holy days at Diospolis Magna. |
37a | MAC << Document: BD_(2)81,B a decision of the Thessalian League to send grain to Rome, at the request of Q.Metellus. |
37b | GRE << Panaetius succeeds Antipater as head of the Stoic school.
@ Phld:Sto_53, 60. |
38 | CIS Document: CIL_1.652, recording the exploits of Tuditanus in Illyria. |
39 | AS1 Document: Sherk_45,B a decree of the Roman senate concerning the boundaries of the territory of Pergamon. |
40 | Document: CIL_1.647, a milestone from a road constructed by M'.Aquillius. |
41 | << Document: CGRN_248, a description of the duties of the priests of the goddess Roma at Miletus. |
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