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1 | ROM C.Gracchus returns to Rome from Sardinia, and defends his conduct before the censors.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Diod_34.24'1; Plut:CGrac_2'7-10,* :Mor_798'F; Gell_15.12'1; { CAH_9'77; OCD³.} |
1a | MES {February} The The Parthians defeat Parthians defeat and capture Pittit, the leader of the Elamites.
@ AstrDiar_124B.obv'19, rev'12-13, '17-18. |
2 | ROM << M'.Aquillius is tried for extortion, but is defended by M.Antonius and acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:DivCaec_69,* :DeOr_2'188, '194-196; Appian:BCiv_1'22; { ~ OCD³.} |
2a | MES ?? Document: THI_26.A, the dedication of a temple on behalf of king Hyspaosines. |
2b | ?? Hyspaosines restores and strengthens the city of Charax.
@ Plin:HN_6'139. |
2c | {June} The death of Hyspaosines, king of Charax, aged 85 years.
@ #AstrDiar_123A.obv'18-20; Lucian:Macr_16. |
3 | SYR ?? Alexander Zabinas captures Laodiceia.
@ ~Diod_34.22'1. |
3a | EGY {11 Mesore -E = August} Document: AET_7.27'C, an oath concerning a dowry. |
3b | {18 Mesore -E = September} The pronaos of the temple at Edfu is completed.
@ AET_8.13'F. |
4 | ROM Gracchus is elected tribune for the following year.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Diod_34.24'1; Plut:CGrac_3'1-3;* ~Appian:BCiv_1'21; { CAH_9'77.} |
5 | ETR The foundation of the Roman colony of Fabrateria.
@ +Vell_1.15'4. |
6 | PAL >> Date of a letter to the Jews in Egypt, preserved at the start of the second book of Maccabees.
@ +2Macc_1'1-10. |
7 | ROM ?? General comments on the life of Q.Pompeius, who achieved political success despite his humble background.
@ Cic:Verr_2.5'181, :Mur_16. |
8 | << The birth of the orators Cotta and Sulpicius.
@ ~Cic:Brut_301; { About ten years before the birth of Hortensius.} |
9 | ETR ?? A snake is found in the cradle of Roscius, the future actor, while he is sleeping at Lanuvium.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Div_1'79,* 2'66; { Roscius was already a prominent actor by the time of the dictator Sulla.} |
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| 15.01.25
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