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1 | ROM {January -R} Document: Cic:Fam_5.8, a letter from Cicero to M.Crassus. |
2 | Document: Cic:Planc, Cicero's speech in defence of Cn.Plancius, against a charge of bribery in the recent election for aediles.
@ Plut:Cic_25'1; Schol:Bob_152-169; { OCD³; DPRR; the elections had been delayed from the previous year (Cic:Planc_49).} |
3 | {February -R} Document: Cic:QFr_2.10-12, three letters from Cicero to his brother Quintus. |
4 | SYR << The Parthian exiles, Mithridates and Orsanes, escape from Syria, or are released by Gabinius.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~Joseph:BJ_1'178,* :AJ_14'103. |
5 | ILL Caesar demands hostages from the Pirustae, after they make a raid on Illyria.
@ +Caes:BGall_5.1'5-9. |
6 | ITA Crassus sails from Brundisium with his army, and proceeds through Galatia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Div_2'84; ~Plut:Crass_17'1-2.* |
7 | ROM {April -R} Document: Cic:Fam_7.5, a letter from Cicero to Caesar, recommending Trebatius. |
8 | The consul Domitius unsuccessfully attempts to curtail Caesar's command in Gaul.
@ Suet:Ner_2'2; { CAH_9'401.} |
9 | GAL << Caesar writes a work about linguistics, "De Analogia".
@ Suet:Caes_56'5; Fronto:Ep_2'p28; { OCD³.} |
10 | Caesar constructs a new fleet in preparation for another invasion of Britain.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.1'1-4,* 2'1-3; +DioCass_40.1'1; Oros_6.9'3; Bede_1'2. |
11 | ITA {May -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.14 & Cic:Fam_7.6 & Cic:QFr_2.13 , letters from Cicero to Atticus, Trebatius and his brother Quintus. |
12 | GAL Caesar settles a dispute amongst the Treveri, and kills Dumnorix, a leader of the Aedui, after he tries to escape.
@ +Caes:BGall_5.2'1-7'9. |
13 | BRI Caesar sails over to Britain, and lands there without resistance.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.8'1-6;* Flor_1.45'18; Athen_6.273'b; +DioCass_40.1'2-2'1; Oros_6.9'4; Nennius_20. |
14 | The Britons take refuge in a camp within a wood, but they are overwhelmed by the Romans.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.9'1-7;* +DioCass_40.2'2. |
15 | ROM {June -R} Document: Cic:Fam_7.7 & Cic:QFr_2.14, letters from Cicero to Trebatius and to his brother Quintus. |
16 | {28 June -R} M.Scaurus returns to Rome from Sardinia.
@ #Ascon_18. |
17 | Julius Caesar pays 100 million sesterces to buy the site for his forum.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_4.16'8;* Plin:HN_36'103; Suet:Caes_26'2; { CAH_9'406-407.} |
18 | {4 July -R} C.Cato is prosecuted twice for disrupting elections, but Calvus and Scaurus speak in his defence and he is acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Att_4.15'4,* 16'5; Seneca:Contr_7.4'7;L #Ascon_18; Quint_12.6'1; { OCD³.} |
19 | {6 July -R} Scaurus is summoned to trial by Triarius, on a charge of extortion.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_4.16'6;* Ascon_18-20. |
20 | M.Cato attempts to stop corruption in the elections for new consuls.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Att_4.16'2-3, :QFr_2.15'4, 16'2, 3.2'3; Plut:CatMin_44'3-14;* Suet:Caes_73'1; (?) Appian:BCiv_2'19; { CAH_9'401.} |
20a | EGY {14 Epeiph -E = July} Work starts on building the new temple of Hathor at Dendera.
@ +AET_8.14. |
21 | BRI Caesar's fleet is damaged in a storm.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.10'1-11'7;* Suet:Caes_25'2; +DioCass_40.2'3; Oros_6.9'4; Bede_1'2. |
22 | ROM {July -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.15-16 & Cic:QFr_2.15, letters from Cicero to Atticus and to his brother Quintus. |
23 | Cicero and Calvus defend Messius on a charge of bribery.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_4.15'9;* Seneca:Contr_7.4'8.L |
24 | GAL M.Antonius goes from Egypt to join Caesar in Gaul.
@ ~Cic:Phil_2'48; { ~ OCD³.} |
25 | SYR After the arrival of Crassus in Syria, Gabinius sails back to Rome, accompanied the writer Timagenes.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~Joseph:BJ_1'179,* :AJ_14'104; Appian:Syr_51;(↓) Suda_T'588. |
26 | MES Crassus invades Mesopotamia, but then withdraws back to Syria.
* Read Dio's account @ Plut:Crass_17'2-4; +DioCass_40.12'1-13'4.* |
27 | BRI Cassivellaunus is appointed to lead the Britons; he assembles an army and attacks the Romans with his chariots.
* Read Caesar's account @ Caes:BGall_5.11'8-9,* +15'1-16'4; +DioCass_40.2'3-4; Oros_6.9'5; Bede_1'2; { OCD³.} |
28 | Caesar's cavalry defeats the Britons.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.17'1-5;* +DioCass_40.3'1; Oros_6.9'5; Bede_1'2. |
29 | ROM {August -R} Vatinius is prosecuted by Calvus, but Cicero is persuaded by Caesar to speak in his defence.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:QFr_2.16'3, :Fam_1.9'19;* [Sall]:Cic_7; ValMax_4.2'4; Seneca:Contr_7.4'6;L +Ascon_18; Quint_6.3'60, 12.6'1; Tac:Dial_39'5; Schol:Bob_145,L 160;L { OCD³.} |
30 | BRI Caesar crosses the river Thames at a ford, despite the sharpened stakes placed there by the Britons.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.18'1-5;* Polyaen_8.23'5; +DioCass_40.3'1-2; Oros_6.9'6-7; Bede_1'2; Nennius_20. |
31 | The Trinovantes and other British tribes surrender to Caesar.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.19'1-21'1;* Oros_6.9'8; Bede_1'2; Nennius_20. |
32 | ROM {August -R} Julia, the daughter of Caesar and wife of Pompeius, dies in childbirth.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Fam_7.9'1, :QFr_3.1'17, '25; [Liv]:Per_106; Vell_2.47'2; Sen:Dial_6.14'3; Lucan_1'111-120; Plut:Caes_23'5-7, :Pomp_53'1-7;* Flor_2.13'13; Appian:BCiv_2'19; +DioCass_39.64'1; { CAH_9'402; OCD³.} |
33 | {August -R} Document: Cic:Fam_7.8 & Cic:QFr_2.16, letters from Cicero to Trebatius and to his brother Quintus. |
34 | {2 September -R} Scaurus is prosecuted for extortion, but he is acquitted, after Cicero and others speak in his defence.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Scaur_1-50,* :Att_4.15'9, #17'4, (?) :QFr_3.6'3; ValMax_3.6'7, 8.1'10; #Ascon_18, 20, 28-29; Tac:Dial_39'5; { OCD³.} |
35 | BRI Caesar captures the main stronghold of Cassivellaunus.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.21'2-6;* Flor_1.45'18; +DioCass_40.3'2; Oros_6.9'9; Bede_1'2; { OCD³.} |
36 | The Britons agree terms with Caesar, and promise to hand over hostages to him.
* Read Caesar's account @ Cic:Att_4.18'5; +Caes:BGall_5.22'1-5;* Diod_5.21'2; Strab_4'200;(5.3) Plut:Caes_23'4; Suet:Caes_25'2; +DioCass_40.3'2; Festus:Brev_6'3; Eutrop_6.17'3; Nennius_20. |
37 | ROM {20 September -R} Gabinius returns to Rome, where he tries to avoid attention.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:QFr_3.1'15;* +Ascon_1;L +DioCass_39.62'1; { CAH_9'401.} |
38 | BRI {25 September -R} Caesar leaves Britain, and sails back to Gaul.
* Read Caesar's account @ #Cic:Att_4.18'5; +Caes:BGall_5.23'1-6;* Flor_1.45'19; +DioCass_40.4'1. |
39 | General comments on Caesar's invasion of Britain.
* Read Strabo's account @ Caes:BGall_7.67'1; [Liv]:Per_105; Strab_2'115,(5.8) 4'200;* (5.3) Tac:Agr_13'2, :Ann_12'34; Suet:Caes_25'2; DioCass_60.19'5, 62.4'1; [Vict]:VirIll_78'4. |
40 | ROM {September -R} Document: Cic:QFr_3.1, a letter from Cicero to his brother Quintus, replying to several letters sent by Quintus from Britain. |
41 | Gabinius is prosecuted for illegally invading Egypt, but he is acquitted through bribery and the influence of Pompeius.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:QFr_3.1'15, '24, 2'1, 3'3, 4'1-2, 7'1; :Att_4.18'1-4;* ValMax_8.1'3; Appian:Syr_51; DioCass_39.55'4, +62'2-3; Schol:Bob_177;L { CAH_9'401.} |
42 | ROM Public opinion at Rome turns against Gabinius, and he is even blamed for a severe flood.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:QFr_3.5'8; +DioCass_39.60'1-4,* 61'3-4; { CAH_9'401-402.} |
43 | Cicero starts to write his philosophical dialogue about the Republic.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_4.16'2-3,* :QFr_3.5'1-2. |
44 | {October -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.17-18 & Cic:Fam_7.9 & Cic:QFr_3.2-5, letters from Cicero to Atticus, to Trebatius, and to his brother Quintus. |
45 | {2 November -R} The triumph of Pomptinus, for his victory over the Allobroges seven years earlier.
* Read Dio's account @ #Cic:QFr_3.4'6, :Att_4.18'4; +FastTr_p108; +DioCass_39.65'1-2.* |
46 | SYR P.Crassus brings some Gallic cavalry to join his father's army.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Crass_17'4,* '6; { CAH_9'402.} |
47 | ROM The elections for new consuls are postponed to the end of the year.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_4.18'3,* :QFr_3.6'4, 7'3. |
48 | {November -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.19 & Cic:Fam_7.16-17 & Cic:QFr_3.6, letters from Cicero to Atticus, to Trebatius, and to his brother Quintus. |
49 | GAL Cotta and Sabinus are ambushed and their army is destroyed by Ambiorix, the leader of the Eburones.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.24'1-37'7;* [Liv]:Per_106; Lucan_1'429; Frontin:Str_3.17'6; Plut:Caes_24'1-2; Flor_1.45'7-8; Appian:BCiv_2'150;(↓) +DioCass_40.4'2-6'3; Eutrop_6.17'3; Oros_6.10'1; { CAH_9'402.} |
50 | Ambiorix besieges Q.Cicero in his winter camp in the territory of the Nervii.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.38'1-44'13;* [Liv]:Per_106; Plut:Caes_24'3; +DioCass_40.7'1-8'2; Oros_6.10'2-5. |
51 | Caesar defeats the rebel Gauls, and forces them to abandon the siege of Q.Cicero's camp.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.45'1-52'6;* [Liv]:Per_106; Frontin:Str_3.17'6; Plut:Caes_24'4-7; (?) Suet:Caes_58'1; Polyaen_8.23'6, '7, '23; +DioCass_40.9'1-10'3; Oros_6.10'6-9. |
52 | Labienus defeats and kills Indutiomarus, the leader of the Treveri.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.55'1-58'7;* Flor_1.45'7-8; +DioCass_40.11'1-2; Oros_6.10'10-11. |
53 | Caesar spends the winter in Gaul, in order to quell further unrest.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_5.53'1-54'5;* Plut:Caes_25'1; +DioCass_40.11'2; Oros_6.10'12. |
54 | ROM {December -R} Document: Cic:Fam_1.9 & 7.10 & Cic:QFr_3.7, letters from Cicero to Lentulus Spinther, to Trebatius, and to his brother Quintus. |
55 | ITA == Iron raining in Lucania is taken as an omen of disaster for Crassus' army.
@ ~Plin:HN_2'147. |
56 | ROM == General remarks on Cato's conduct as praetor.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sen:Ep_104'30; Plut:CatMin_44'1-2, 45'1-7;* DioCass_38.7'6; { DPRR.} |
56a | == T.Ligarius, as quaestor, is a loyal supporter of Caesar.
@ Cic:Lig_35-36; { DPRR.} |
57 | == Document: Cic:RabPost_, Cicero's speech in defence of Rabirius Postumus. { OCD³.} |
58 | << Document: Cic:Fam_13.40, a letter from Cicero to Q.Ancharius, governor of Macedonia. { DPRR.} |
59 | == Document: [Sall]:Cic_, a supposed invective of Sallustius against Cicero. { After the trial of Vatinius, and before the death of Crassus.} |
60 | << Catullus is reconciled with Caesar.
@ Suet:Caes_73'1. |
61 | == The death of the poet Catullus.
@ !Hieron:Chron_1959; { OCD³.} |
62 | == Document: [Verg]:Cat_, the Catalepton and other juvenile poems of Vergilius.
@ [Suet]:Verg_17-18; { According to Suetonius, Vergilius was 16 years old when he started writing these poems.} |
63 | == Curio is a successful and popular orator.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1963. |
64 | == Octavianus shows signs of great promise, while only nine years old.
@ NicDam_127'4-6. |
65 | ++ General comments on the career of the actor Aesopus.
@ Cic:Tusc_4'55, :Off_1'114; ValMax_8.10'2; Plin:HN_10'141-142,L 35'163; Fronto:Ep_2'p68; { Aesopus made his last public appearance at the games of Pompeius in 55 B.C.} |
66 | ?? L.Gellius investigates accusations that his son has attempted to murder him, but decides that he is innocent.
@ ValMax_5.9'1; { ~ OCD³; Gellius is last mentioned by Cicero as alive in 55 B.C.} |
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