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1 | ROM {1 January} The Roman calendar is adjusted to avoid a market day occurring on the first day of the year.
@ +DioCass_48.33'4. |
2 | EGY Antonius spends the winter with Cleopatra in Egypt.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Ant_28'1-29'7;* Appian:BCiv_5'11; +DioCass_48.27'1-2; { CAH_10'12; Hölbl_p241.} |
3 | CIS Asinius Pollio refuses to respond to some insults written by Octavianus.
@ Macrob:Sat_2.4'21;L { For the context, see Syme_p211.} |
4 | ETR {March} Octavianus captures Perusia.
* Read Appian's account @ Prop_1.21'1-10, 22'3-5; [Liv]:Per_126; Vell_2.74'4; Sen:Clem_1'11; Tac:Hist_1'50; Suet:Aug_14'1, #15'1, 96'2; Flor_2.16'3; Appian:BCiv_5'35-49;* DioCass_48.14'1-6; Eutrop_7.3'4; { CAH_10'16.} |
5 | SYR Q.Labienus and the Parthians invade Syria and defeat the army of Saxa, the Roman governor.
* Read Dio's account @ Hor:Od_3.6'9-12; [Liv]:Per_127; Joseph:BJ_1'248-249, :AJ_14'330; Plut:Ant_28'1; Flor_2.19'3-5; Appian:BCiv_5'10; Ampel_31'4; +DioCass_48.24'3-26'1;* Just_42.4'7; Festus:Brev_18'1; { CAH_10'995; OCD_l.} |
6 | ITA Many supporters of Antonius flee from Italy.
* Read Appian's account @ Vell_2.76'2; Plut:Ant_30'1, 32'1; Appian:BCiv_5'50;* +DioCass_48.15'1-2; Oros_6.18'18. |
7 | Tiberius Nero and his wife Livia escape from Campania to Sicily.
* Read Velleius' account @ Vell_2.75'1-3,* 76'1-2; Tac:Ann_5'1, 6'51; Suet:Tib_4'2, 6'1, '3; +DioCass_48.15'3-4, 44'1, 54.7'2. |
8 | ROM Octavianus marries Scribonia, the aunt of the wife of Sextus Pompeius.
* Read Suetonius' account @ Suet:Aug_62'1-2;* Appian:BCiv_5'53; +DioCass_48.16'1-3; { CAH_10'17; OCD_scr.} |
9 | GRE Antonius sails from Egypt to Asia Minor, and then to Greece, where he meets Fulvia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Ant_30'3-4;* Appian:BCiv_5'52; +DioCass_48.27'3-4; { CAH_10'12.} |
10 | Tiberius Nero goes from Sicily to Greece, and joins Antonius.
@ Suet:Tib_4'3, 6'2. |
11 | Octavianus seizes control of Gaul, after the death of the governor Calenus.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:BCiv_5'51,* '60; +DioCass_48.20'3; { CAH_10'16; OCD_c.} |
12 | AFR << Titus Sextius, the governor appointed by Antonius, defeats Fango in Africa.
* Read Dio's account @ (?) CIL_10.6104 ; (?) Strab_17'829;(3.9) Appian:BCiv_5'26; +DioCass_48.22'1-23'4;* { OCD_s; DPRR.} |
13 | PAL The Parthians, led by Pacorus, invade Judaea and set up Antigonus as king.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'250-268,* :AJ_14'330-364, '404, '465, '469, 15'323, +20'245-246; Tac:Hist_5'9; +DioCass_48.26'2; Movses_2'19; { Josephus says that Antigonus reigned for 3 years and 3 months.} |
14 | ITA {July} Sextus Pompeius makes a raid on the coast of Italy, while Agrippa is busy at the Ludi Apollinares.
* Read Dio's account @ Flor_2.18'2; +DioCass_48.20'1-2;* Oros_6.18'19. |
14a | ?? Domitius kills Menodorus of Tralles, accusing him of causing disaffection in the fleet.
@ Strab_14'649;(1.42) { There is no mention of Antonius, so this seems to have happened before Domitius joined Antonius.} |
15 | EPI Domitius joins Antonius with his fleet.
* Read Appian's account @ Vell_2.76'2-3; Tac:Ann_4'44; Appian:BCiv_5'55;* { CAH_10'17.} |
16 | ITA Antonius sails to Italy, and attempts to capture Brundisium.
* Read Appian's account @ Vell_2.76'3; Appian:BCiv_5'56-58;* +DioCass_48.27'5-28'2. |
17 | GRE Fulvia, the wife of Antonius, dies at Sicyon.
* Read Dio's account @ [Liv]:Per_127<x>; Appian:BCiv_5'59;(↓) +DioCass_48.28'2-3.* |
18 | ROM ?? Lepidus opposes the recall of Q.Lucretius Vespillo, who was named in the proscriptions.
@ CIL_6.1527'11. |
19 | ?? An anecdote about Lepidus, who is kept awake by the singing of birds.
@ Plin:HN_35'121. |
20 | AFR Octavianus allows Lepidus to take control of the African provinces.
* Read Dio's account @ Appian:BCiv_5'12, '53;(↓) +DioCass_48.20'4,* 23'5; { DPRR.} |
21 | ASI Labienus overruns Roman territory as far as Asia Minor.
* Read Dio's account @ THI_7, 9'9-10; Sherk_91.B'1-7;B IAph_8.30'5-7, 31'4-7, 32'3; Strab_12'574,(8.9) 14'659-660;(2.24) Tac:Ann_3'62; Plut:Ant_30'2; Appian:BCiv_5'65, :Syr_51;(↓) +DioCass_48.26'3-5.* |
22 | PAL Antigonus kills Phasael, the brother of Herodes, and mutilates Hyrcanus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'269-273,* '433, :AJ_14'365-369, 15'13, '181, 17'257, 20'248; Euseb:HistEc_1.6'7; !Hieron:Chron_1983. |
23 | ITA {? September} Antonius is reconciled with Octavianus at Brundisium, and agrees to marry his sister Octavia.
* Read Appian's account @ (?) CIL_10.5159; [Liv]:Per_127; Vell_2.76'3, 86'3; Plut:Ant_30'6-31'4; Tac:Ann_1'10; Appian:BCiv_5'59-65;* +DioCass_48.28'4-30'3, 37'2-3, 50.26'1; { CAH_10'17; OCD_a.} |
24 | EGY Herodes escapes to Alexandria.
@ Joseph:BJ_1'274-279, :AJ_14'370-376; { OCD_h.} |
25 | SAR Menas, an admiral of Sextus Pompeius, makes more raids on Italy, and occupies Sardinia.
* Read Dio's account @ Appian:BCiv_5'56; +DioCass_48.30'4-31'1,* 49.18'2-3; { OCD_m.} |
26 | ROM Work commences on a new aqueduct at Rome, the Aqua Julia.
@ +DioCass_48.32'3; { It appears that the aqueduct was not completed until 33 B.C.} |
27 | {October} The consuls celebrate a festival, to commemorate the defeat of Caesar's assassins.
@ +DioCass_48.32'4. |
28 | Antonius and Octavianus go to Rome, where they are awarded ovations.
* Read Appian's account @ +FastTr_p109; Aug:ResGest_4; Plut:Ant_31'5; Suet:Aug_22'1; Appian:BCiv_5'60.* |
29 | Sextus Pompeius causes famine at Rome by his control of the sea, and the people riot against the triumvirs.
@ Appian:BCiv_5'67-68; +DioCass_48.31'4-6; { CAH_10'19.} |
30 | The triumvirs appoint new magistrates, including Balbus as suffect consul.
@ Vell_2.51'3; +DioCass_48.32'1-3. |
31 | Salvidienus Rufus is killed, after being accused of plotting against Octavianus.
* Read Appian's account @ [Liv]:Per_127; Vell_2.76'4; Suet:Aug_66'1-2; Appian:BCiv_5'66;* +DioCass_48.33'1-3; { CAH_10'19.} |
32 | Herodes goes to Rome, where Antonius and Octavianus formally recognise him as king of Judaea.
* Read Josephus' account @ Strab_16'765;(2.46) Joseph:BJ_1'280-285, '388, '665, :AJ_14'377-389,* '446, 17'191; Euseb:HistEc_1.6'7; Hieron:Chron_1983; Movses_2'19; ChronPasc_464'D-465'A; { CAH_10'20; his was sometimes reckoned as the start of Herodes' reign.} |
33 | == The birth of a baby, said by Vergilius to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.
@ Verg:Ecl_4'4-63; (?) Hor:Epod_16'41-66; { CAH_10'19; Syme_p218-220; there are many different theories about the identity of the baby.} |
34 | == The enactment of the Lex Falcidia, a law on inheritance.
@ Gaius:Inst_2'227, '254; +DioCass_48.33'5; !Hieron:Chron_1975; Justin:Dig_31.1.87'4, 33.1.4'12-13, 35.2'1-96, 35.3'1-9, 36.1.17'9, 36.1.57'2-3; Suda_Phi'53. |
35 | << Document: Sall:Jug_, the account by Sallustius of the war against Jugurtha. { OCD_s; his Catilinae Coniuratio was probably written shortly before this.} |
36 | ?? Sextius, a Roman philosopher, almost drowns himself in the river Tiber out of despair.
@ Sen:Dial_5'36; Plut:Mor_77'D-E.(5) |
37 | AEG ?? Theophanes of Mytilene is awarded divine honours after his death.
@ Syll_753; Tac:Ann_6'18. |
37a | ASI << Document: Syll_766, a statue of the citharode Anaxenor at Magnesia. |
38 | GLT ?? Deiotarus is eager to have sons, but then kills most of them.
@ Plut:Mor_258'D,(21) 1049'c.(32) |
39 | GLT << The death of Deiotarus, king of Galatia.
@ Strab_12'547,(3.13) '567;(5.1-2) ~DioCass_48.33'5; { CAH_10'995; OCD_d.} |
40 | SYR ?? Document: OGIS_383, the Law of Antiochus I of Commagene on Mount Nemrud. |
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